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Exercises 22.5 Multiple Choice Questions


    csp-10-2-1: What is the standard way to import matplotlib's pyplot library in python?
  • import matplot as plt
  • Incorrect! matplot is not a library.
  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • Correct! This is the correct way to import the library.
  • from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  • Incorrect! This is not the correct way to import.
  • import matplotlib pyplot as plt
  • Incorrect! There is a period between matplotlib and pyplot instead of space.


    csp-10-2-2: What is the correct way to plot a line graph?
  • plot(x, y)
  • Incorrect!
  • plt.plot(x, y)
  • Correct! This is the correct way.
  • plt(x, y)
  • Incorrect!
  • plot.plt(x, y)
  • Incorrect!


    csp-10-2-3: How do you set a title for a plot using matplotlib library?
  • plt.set.title("Title")
  • Incorrect! plt has no function set.
  • plt.Title("Title")
  • Incorrect! Title needs to be lowercased.
  • plt.title("Title")
  • Correct! This is the correct way to set a title.
  • plt.set_title("Title")
  • Incorrect! plt has no function set_title.


    csp-10-2-4: How do you set a title for the axis using matplotlib library?
  • ax.set_title("Axis Title")
  • Correct! This is the correct way to set axis title.
  • ax.title("Axis Title")
  • Incorrect! ax has no method title.
  • ax.axis_title("Axis Title")
  • Incorrect! ax has no method axis_title.
  • ax.setTitle("Axis Title")
  • Incorrect! ax has no method setTitle.


    csp-10-2-5: How to create a subplot in a figure with three plots side by side and two rows of subplots?
  • ax1 = fig.add_subplot(123)
  • Incorrect! This means row 1, column 2, and plot 3, which is not possible in a 1 * 2 figure.
  • ax1 = fig.add_subplot(231)
  • Correct! This is the correct way to create a subplot for this case.
  • ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321)
  • Incorrect! This means row 3, column 2 and plot 1. Row and column need to be switched.
  • ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3*2)
  • Incorrect! This is incorrect way to create subplot.


    csp-10-2-6: What is the function for creating a horizontal bar plot?
  • plt.bar_hor(x, y)
  • Incorrect! There is no function bar_hor.
  • plt.hbar(x, y)
  • Incorrect! There is no function hbar.
  • plt.barh(x, y)
  • Correct! This is the correct way to create a horizontal bar.
  •, y)
  • Incorrect! This is to create a vertical bar.


    csp-10-2-7: Which line of code would create a line plot in form of red squares with x = x and y = y?
  • ax.plot(x, y, 'red', marker = 'square')
  • Incorrect!
  • ax.plot(x, y, 'R-', marker = 'sqr')
  • Incorrect!
  • ax.plot(x, y, 'r', 's')
  • Incorrect!
  • ax.plot(x, y, 'r-', marker = 's')
  • Correct! This is the correct way.


    csp-10-2-8: What single line of code will set the x and y labels and the title of a plot?
  • ax.set((xlabel, ylabel, title), ('Year', 'Amount', 'Title of Graph'))
  • Incorrect!
  • ax.(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Amount', title='Title of Graph')
  • Incorrect!
  • ax.set(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Amount', title='Title of Graph')
  • Correct! This is the correct way.
  • ax.set(xlabel='Year'), ax.set(ylabel='Amount'), ax.set(title='Title of Graph')
  • Incorrect!