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Exercises 11.11 Multiple Choice Questions


    11-9-1: Which of the following would complete val = to set val to 20 by slicing aTuple.
    aTuple = ("Orange", (10, 20, 30), (5, 15, 25))
    val =
  • val = aTuple[1:2][1]
  • Incorrect! Running this code would result in an error. Try again.
  • val = aTuple[2][1]
  • Incorrect! This would access the value 15. Try again.
  • val = aTuple[1:2](1)
  • Incorrect! Running this code would result in an error. Try again.
  • val = aTuple[1][1]
  • Correct! This first goes to the second item in the tuple, then grabs the second item from the list, which is 20.


    11-9-2: True or False? A python tuple can be created without using any parentheses.
  • True
  • Correct! You can create tuples using tuple packing which requires no parentheses.
  • False
  • Incorrect! Parentheses are not always necessary. Try again.


    11-9-3: What type will be printed when the following code executes?
    aTuple = ("Orange")
    print type(aTuple)
  • list
  • Incorrect! A list would use []. Try again.
  • tuple
  • Incorrect! To create a tuple with a single item, there must be a comma after the first item. Try again.
  • array
  • Incorrect! Arrays do not exist in Python. Try again.
  • str
  • Correct! To create a tuple with a single item, there must be a comma after the first item.


    11-9-4: What will the following code return?
    def practice(tup):
        a, b, c = tup
        return a
    aTuple = "Yellow", 20, "Red"
  • ("Yellow", 20, "Red")
  • Incorrect! Hint: think about how tuple assignment works. Try again.
  • Yellow
  • Correct! Tuple assignment makes the first value of the tuple equal to a.
  • 20
  • Incorrect! Hint: think about how tuple assignment works. Try again.
  • Red
  • Incorrect! Hint: think about how tuple assignment works. Try again.


    11-9-5: What will the following code return?
    def tuple_indexing(tup):
        tup[1] = 800
        return tup
    aTuple = (100, 200, 300, 400, 500)
  • Nothing, it will cause an error.
  • Correct! A tuple is immutable, therefore you cannot change its values.
  • (100, 800, 200, 300, 400, 500)
  • Incorrect! Remember, tuples are immutable. Try again.
  • (800, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500)
  • Incorrect! Remember, tuples are immutable. Try again.
  • (100, 200, 800, 300, 400, 500)
  • Incorrect! Remember, tuples are immutable. Try again.


    11-9-6: Which of the following options will produce the same output?
        tupl1 = (5, 3, 1, 9, 0)
        # options i, ii, iii, or iv
    i) print(tup1[:-1])
    ii) print(tup1[0:5])
    iii) print(tupl1[0:4])
    iv) print(tupl1[-4:])
  • i, ii
  • Incorrect! ii will cause an error because the highest index in tupl1 is 4. Try again.
  • ii, iv
  • Incorrect! ii will cause an error because the highest index in tupl1 is 4. Try again.
  • i, iv
  • Incorrect! i will output all items besides the last, whereas iv will output all items besides the first. Try again.
  • i, iii
  • Correct! These two options will both output all the items in the tuple except for the last one.


    11-9-7: What is returned when the following code is run?
    def tuple_comparison(tup1, tup2):
        return tup1 < tup2
    tup1 = (66, 4, 17, 4)
    tup2 = (66, 4, 16, 5)
    tuple_comarison(tup1, tup2)
  • True
  • Incorrect! When the first numbers in both tuples are equal, the comparison operator will move on to the next pair of numbers. Try again.
  • False
  • Correct! The compiler will look at the first pair of different numbers, then decide whether it is true or false depending on that pair.


    11-9-8: What is printed when the following code is run?
    a = (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Error, tuple slicing doesn't exist
  • Incorrect! Tuple slicing does exist. Try again.
  • [2, 3, 4]
  • Incorrect! The output will be in the form of a tuple. Try again.
  • (2, 3, 4)
  • Incorrect! The value of -1 means to stop after the second to last item. Try again.
  • (2, 3)
  • Correct! This tuple slicing grabs the second item all the way to the second to last item.


    11-9-9: What is the name of an error caused when a data structure has the wrong type, size, or composition?
  • KeyError
  • Incorrect! A KeyError is raised when you try to access a dictionary with a key that doesn't yet exist. Try again.
  • TypeError
  • Incorrect! A TypeError is raised when you attempt to call a function or use an operator on something of the incorrect type. Try again.
  • Shape Error
  • Correct! Shape errors are more likely to occur when working with compound data structures.


    11-9-10: What is printed when the following code is run?
    def practice(m):
        m = list(m)
        x, y = m
        return y
    m = ('have', 'fun')
  • have
  • Incorrect! This would be printed if in line 3 we called print(x) instead. Try again.
  • ['have', 'fun']
  • Incorrect! Hint: think about how tuple assignment works and apply that knowledge to lists. Try again.
  • fun
  • Correct! y is associated with the last value of tuple m.
  • ('have', 'fun')
  • Incorrect! This is the original tuple, but the function returns the second element of the tuple.


    11-9-11: What is printed when the following code is run?
    tup = ('30', '3', '2', '8')
  • ['2', '3', '30', '8']
  • This returns a list with the strings sorted in ascending order.
  • ['2', '3', '8', '30']
  • Incorrect, this would be the right order for numbers, but not for strings.
  • ['30', '8', '3', '2']
  • This would be correct if it was sorting numbers in descending order.
  • ['8', '30', '3', '2']
  • This would be correct if it was sorting in descending order.


    11-9-12: What is printed when the following code is run?
    tup = ('30', '3', '2', '8')
    print(sorted(tup), reverse = True)
  • ['2', '3', '30', '8']
  • This would be true if it sorted the strings in ascending order.
  • ['2', '3', '8', '30']
  • This would be correct if if was sorting numbers in ascending order.
  • ['30', '8', '3', '2']
  • This would be correct if it was sorting numbers in descending order.
  • ['8', '30', '3', '2']
  • It sorts the strings in descending order.


    11-9-13: What is printed when the following code is run?
    tup = (30, 3, 2, 8)
    print(sorted(tup), reverse = True)
  • [2, 3, 30, 8]
  • This would be true if the values were strings and it sorted in ascending order.
  • [2, 3, 8, 30]
  • This would be correct if the values were sorted in ascending order.
  • [30, 8, 3, 2]
  • It sorts the numbers in descending order.
  • [8, 30, 3, 2]
  • This would be correcdt if the values were strings.