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Section 8.10 Summary

You can open files for reading or writing which returns a file object, close a file object, and read from file objects. The file object is iterable which means that you can loop though all the lines in a file using a for each loop.
Table 8.10.1.
Method Example Description
open file_obj = open(filename) Opens the file named filename for reading and returns a file object
open file_obj = open(filename, “r”) Opens the file named filename for reading and returns a file object
open file_obj = open(filename, ‘w') Opens the file named filename for writing and returns a file object
close file_obj.close() Closes an open file (most crucial when writing to a file)
read data = Reads all data from a file object and returns it as a string
readline line = file_obj.readline() Returns a line from a file object as a string
readlines lines = file_obj.readlines() Returns a list of lines from a file object
write file_obj.write(line) Writes the line to the file object
When reading from files you may need to change the current directory to the one with the file to read from. These are some of the useful terminal commands for navigating the directory structure.
Table 8.10.2.
Mac Windows Description
cd cd Change directory - takes you to the root directory
cd dir cd dir Will change the current directory to the specified directory
cd .. cd.. Change directory up one level (move to the parent directory)
pwd chdir Print working directory (pwd) or show the current directory
ls dir List the contents of the current directory
When working with git and GitHub these are some of the useful commands.
Table 8.10.3.
Command Description
git clone URL Download a copy of the repo at the given URL to the current directory
git add file Add the specified file to the list of files to be committed
git status What files have been added and/or changed
git commit -m “message” Package changes into a commit on your local computer
git push Push commits to your GitHub account
git pull Download changes from GitHub to your local repo