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Section 17.9 Summary

This chapter included the following concepts from computing.
  • Body Syntonic - Body syntonic means experiences related to knowledge of your body. You can use your knowledge of how to move your body to help you understand how to move the turtle objects.
  • Comment - A comment describes one or more lines of code. Comments are ignored by the computer. A comment in Python starts with #. The computer will ignore everything from the start of the comment to the end of that line.
  • Object - Turtles are objects in Python. Objects can have data and behavior. A turtle object knows its heading (data) and can go forward and turn (behavior).
  • Method - Functions that are defined in the Turtle class are called methods. Methods define the behaviors for the objects of a class (what they can do).

Subsection 17.9.1 Summary of Turtle Methods

The table below shows some of the turtle methods that you might find useful. See 1  for a complete list.
Table 17.9.1.
Name Input Description
backward amount Moves the turle backward by the specified amount
begin_fill None Starts a shape to fill
circle radius Draws a circle with the specified radius
color colorname Sets the color for the pen. Use ‘red', ‘black', etc. If you give it two colors the second is the fill color.
end_fill None Ends a shape to fill
fillcolor colorname Sets the fill color to the specified color. Use ‘red', ‘black', etc.
forward amount Moves the turtle forward by the specified amount
goto x,y Moves the turtle to position x,y
left angle Turns the turtle counter clockwise by the specified angle
pendown None Puts down the turtles tail so that it draws when it moves
penup None Picks up the turtles tail so that it doesn't draw when it moves
pensize width Sets the width of the pen for drawing
right angle Turns the turtle clockwise by the specified angle
setheading angle Turns the turtle to face the given heading. East is 0, north is 90, west is 180, and south is 270.
Turtle None Creates and returns a new turtle object

Subsection 17.9.2 Summary of Screen Methods

The table below shows the screen methods that you might find useful.
Table 17.9.2.
Name Input Description
bgcolor color Sets the color for the screen background
bgpic file_name Save a picture of the screen to the file_name
exitonclick none Stops the program from exiting until you click the window - use if running turtle code outside of the ebook