Section 18.7 Image Chaper Summary
This chapter included the following concepts from computing.
- Class - We worked with the Image and Pixel classes. An image object has pixel objects. Each pixel object has a color which is made up of red, green, and blue values.
- For Loop - A
loop is a programming statement that tells the computer to repeat a statement or a set of statements (which are the body of the loop). It will repeat a specific number of times. - Image - An object that represents an image or picture on a computer. An image has pixels arranged in a rectangular block.
- Loop Body - The statement or statements that are repeated in a loop. In Python indention is used to show what statements are part of the body of a loop.
- Nested Loop - A nested loop has one loop inside the body of another loop.
- Pixel - A pixel is one small part (element) of an image (picture). Pixels are stored in a grid and have both a x (horizontal) and y (vertical) value. A pixel has a color which can be defined by an amount of red, green, and blue with values from 0 to 255.