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Section 5.36 Functions and Loops Write Code Questions

Checkpoint 5.36.1.

Write a function called list_starts_with_a that takes in lst as a parameter and returns a new list with the words from lst that start with “a”. For example, list_starts_with_a(["alphabet", "apple", "banana", "coding", "amazing"]) would return ["alphabet", "apple", "amazing"].
Write a function called list_starts_with_a that takes in lst as a parameter and returns a new list with the words from lst that start with “a”. For example, list_starts_with_a(["alphabet", "apple", "banana", "coding", "amazing"]) would return ["alphabet", "apple", "amazing"].
def list_starts_with_a(lst):
    list_a = []
    for word in lst:
        if word.startswith('a'):
    return list_a

print(list_starts_with_a(["alphabet", "apple", "banana", "coding", "amazing"]))

Checkpoint 5.36.2.

Write a function called sentence_without_vowels that takes in string as a parameter and returns a new string that consists of only characters that are not vowels. For example, sentence_without_vowels('apple') would return "ppl".

Checkpoint 5.36.3.

Write a function called draw_square that takes in num as a parameter and returns a string that consists of a square made of “*” with the dimensions num times num. Note: ignore values that are less than or equal to zero. For example, draw_square(4) would return "****\n****\n****\n****".
Write a function called draw_square that takes in num as a parameter and returns a string that consists of a square made of “*” with the dimensions num times num. Note: ignore values that are less than or equal to zero. For example, draw_square(4) would return "****\n****\n****\n****".
def draw_square(num):
    string1 = ""
    for i in range(num):
        if i < (num - 1):
            string1 += "*" * num + "\n"
            string1 += "*" * num
    return string1


Checkpoint 5.36.4.

Write a function called check_prime_num that takes in num as a parameter and returns True if num is a prime number and False otherwise. For the purposes of this question, there is no need to test for values of num that are less than two. For example, check_prime_num(5) should return True.

Checkpoint 5.36.5.

Write a function called factorial that takes in num as a parameter and returns the factorial value. Ignore checking numbers that are less than 1. For example, factorial(5) would return 120.
Write a function called factorial that takes in num as a parameter and returns the factorial value. Ignore checking numbers that are less than 1. For example, factorial(5) would return 120.
def factorial(num):
    total = num
    while num > 1:
        num -= 1
        total *= num
    return total