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Section 17.11 Mixed-Up Code Questions

Checkpoint 17.11.1.

Create a function called forward_50 that takes in turtle as a parameter and moves the turtle forward 50. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call forward_50.

Checkpoint 17.11.2.

Create a function called create_T that takes in turtle as a parameter and moves the turtle to create the letter T. The width of the letter should be 100, and the height of the letter should be 150. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call create_T.

Checkpoint 17.11.3.

Create a function called create_rectangle that takes in turtle as a parameter and creates a rectangle of width 40 and height 90. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call create_rectangle.

Checkpoint 17.11.4.

Create a function called forward that takes in parameters x, y, amount, and turtle. The turtle should draw a line of length amount at location x, y. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call forward with arguments x = 80, y = 100, amount = 50, and the Turtle object.

Checkpoint 17.11.5.

Create a function called create_V that takes in turtle as a parameter and moves the turtle to create the letter V. First, create the right side of the V. Then, create the left side of the V. Each side of the V should be of length 100. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call create_V.

Checkpoint 17.11.6.

Create a function called create_hexagon that takes in turtle as a parameter and moves the turtle to create a hexagon. Each side of the hexagon should be of length 50. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call create_hexagon.

Checkpoint 17.11.7.

Create a function called draw_rectangle that takes in parameters turtle, width, height, and size and moves the turtle to create a rectangle of width width and height height with a pen size of size. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call draw_rectangle with arguments width = 50, height = 80, size = 10, and the Turtle object.

Checkpoint 17.11.8.

Create a function called draw_triangle that takes in parameters turtle, length, and three_colors_list and moves the turtle to create a triangle with side lengths of length and in which the pen color changes for each side. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call draw_triangle with arguments length = 50, three_colors_list = ["blue", "green", "yellow"], and the Turtle object.

Checkpoint 17.11.9.

Create a function called draw_triangle that takes in parameters turtle, xpos, ypos, length, color, and heading and moves the turtle to location xpos, ypos, sets the heading, changes the color of the pen, creates the triangle with side lengths of length, and colors the entire triangle. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call draw_triangle with arguments xpos = -120, ypos = 30, length = 60, color = 'green', heading = 60, and the Turtle object. Then, call draw_triangle again with all of the same arguments with the exception of heading = 240. In the end, an hourglass should be created.

Checkpoint 17.11.10.

Create a function called draw_diamond that takes in parameters turtle, xpos, ypos, length, and color and creates a diamond at any given position with color color and side lengths of length. After creating the function, create a Screen object and a Turtle object and call draw_diamond with arguments xpos = -120, ypos = 30, length = 60, color = 'green', and the Turtle object.