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Section 19.12 Multiple Choice Questions for Multiple Classes

Checkpoint 19.12.1.

    Q-1: Given the Point class below. What are the object methods in the Point class? Pick all that apply.
    class Point:
        def __init__(self, initX, initY):
            """ Create a new point at the given coordinates. """
            self.x = initX
            self.y = initY
        def distanceFromOrigin(self):
            return ((self.x ** 2) + (self.y ** 2)) ** 0.5
        def __str__(self):
            return f"x = {self.x}, y = {self.y}"
        def halfway(self, target):
            mx = (self.x + target.x) / 2
            my = (self.y + target.y) / 2
            return Point(mx, my)
  • self.x
  • This stores the x position for the point. It is an object attribute.
  • self.distanceFromOrigin
  • This is an object method in the Point class
  • self.y
  • This stores the y position for the point. It is an object attribute.
  • self.halfway
  • This is an object method in the Point class

Checkpoint 19.12.2.

    Q-2: Given the code below, what are the object attribute(s) in the Rectangle class? Pick all that apply.
    class Rectangle:
        def __init__(self, p1, p2):
            """ Create a new rectangle with the given points """
            self.p1 = p1
            self.p2 = p2
        def area(self):
            """ Return the area of the rectangle """
            width = abs(self.p1.x - self.p2.x)
            height = abs(self.p1.y - self.p2.y)
            return width * height
  • self.p1
  • This is an object attribute in the Rectangle class.
  • self.__init__
  • This is an object method in the Rectangle class.
  • self.p2
  • This is an object attribute in the Rectangle class.
  • self.area
  • This is an object method in the Rectangle class.

Checkpoint 19.12.3.

    Q-3: Given the following code, what is breeds?
    class Dog:
        breeds = ["Bulldog", "Poodle", "Chihuahua", "Dachshund"]
        def __init__(self, name, breed):
   = name
            if breed not in Dog.breeds:
            self.breed_index = Dog.breeds.index(breed)
        def speak(self):
            return "bark"
  • class attribute
  • Correct! It is a class attribute (only exists in the class).
  • class method
  • It is not a class method.
  • object attribute
  • It is not an object attribute.
  • object method
  • It is not an object method.

Checkpoint 19.12.4.

    Q-4: Given the following code, what is speak?
    class Dog:
        breeds = ["Bulldog", "Poodle", "Chihuahua", "Dachshund"]
        def __init__(self, name, breed):
   = name
            if breed not in Dog.breeds:
            self.breed_index = Dog.breeds.index(breed)
        def speak(self):
            return "bark"
  • class attribute
  • It is not a class attribute.
  • class method
  • It is not a class method.
  • object attribute
  • It is not an object attribute.
  • object method
  • Correct! It is an object method.

Checkpoint 19.12.5.

    Q-5: Given the following code, what is self.breed_index?
    class Dog:
        breeds = ["Bulldog", "Poodle", "Chihuahua", "Dachshund"]
        def __init__(self, name, breed):
   = name
            if breed not in Dog.breeds:
            self.breed_index = Dog.breeds.index(breed)
        def speak(self):
            return "bark"
  • class attribute
  • It is not a class attribute.
  • class method
  • It is not a class method.
  • object attribute
  • Correct! It is an object attribute.
  • object method
  • It is not an object method.