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Section 21.11 Using JOIN to retrieve data

Now that we have followed the rules of database normalization and have data separated into two tables, linked together using primary and foreign keys, we need to be able to build a SELECT that reassembles the data across the tables.
SQL uses the JOIN clause to reconnect these tables. In the JOIN clause you specify the fields that are used to reconnect the rows between the tables.
The following is an example of a SELECT with a JOIN clause:
SELECT * FROM Follows JOIN People
    ON Follows.from_id = WHERE = 1
The JOIN clause indicates that the fields we are selecting come from the Follows and People tables. The ON clause indicates how the two tables are to be joined: Take the rows from Follows and append the row from People where the field from_id in Follows is the same the id value in the People table.

Checkpoint 21.11.1.

Q-1: Which SQL clause can be used to return data from two tables?

Checkpoint 21.11.2.

Q-2: Fill in the blank in the following: SELECT * FROM Follows JOIN People Follows.from_id = LIMIT 5
Connecting Tables Using JOIN
The result of the JOIN is to create extra-long “metarows” which have both the fields from People and the matching fields from Follows. Where there is more than one match between the id field from People and the from_id from People, then JOIN creates a metarow for each of the matching pairs of rows, duplicating data as needed.

Checkpoint 21.11.3.

    Q-3: True or False? A “metarow” only contains the first set of matching data.
  • True
  • Try again!
  • False
  • A metarow includes all data in the matching fields, regardless of how many matches there are.
The following code demonstrates the data that we will have in the database after the multi-table Twitter spider program (above) has been run several times.
import sqlite3
import os

dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep
conn = sqlite3.connect(dir + 'friends.db')
cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute('SELECT * FROM People')
count = 0
for row in cur:
    if count < 5: print(row)
    count = count + 1
print(count, 'rows.')

cur.execute('SELECT * FROM Follows')
count = 0
for row in cur:
    if count < 5: print(row)
    count = count + 1
print(count, 'rows.')

cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM Follows JOIN People
            ON Follows.to_id =
            WHERE Follows.from_id = 2''')
count = 0
print('Connections for id=2:')
for row in cur:
    if count < 5: print(row)
    count = count + 1
print(count, 'rows.')

In this program, we first dump out the People and Follows and then dump out a subset of the data in the tables joined together.
Here is the output of the program:
(1, 'drchuck', 1)
(2, 'ravenmaster1', 1)
(3, 'BrentSeverance', 1)
(4, 'prairycat', 0)
(5, 'lionelrobertjr', 0)
15 rows.
(1, 2)
(1, 3)
(1, 4)
(1, 5)
(1, 6)
15 rows.
Connections for id=2:
(2, 7, 7, 'myldn', 0)
(2, 8, 8, 'DickieDover', 0)
(2, 9, 9, 'Ukraine', 0)
(2, 10, 10, 'AlisonMoyet', 0)
(2, 11, 11, 'PhilipPullman', 0)
5 rows.
You see the columns from the People and Follows tables and the last set of rows is the result of the SELECT with the JOIN clause.
In the last select, we are looking for accounts that are friends of “ravenmaster1” (i.e.,
In each of the “metarows” in the last select, the first two columns are from the Follows table followed by columns three through five from the People table. You can also see that the second column (Follows.to_id) matches the third column ( in each of the joined-up “metarows”.

Checkpoint 21.11.4.

    Q-4: True or False? When using JOIN on two tables, you can join on columns that have different names.
  • True
  • You can absolutely join two tables on columns that have different names. For example, you can join on Follows.to_id =
  • False
  • Try again!
You can use table_name.field_name to specify the column that you want from each table.

Checkpoint 21.11.5.

The following code will select the bike_number from trip_data and name from bikeshare_stations where the start_station in trip_data is the same as the station_id in bikeshare_stations. It will also limit the results to 5 rows.
You can also add a WHERE clause.

Checkpoint 21.11.6.

The following code will select the bike_number and duration from trip_data and name from bikeshare_stations where the start_station in trip_data is the same as the station_id in bikeshare_stations and where the duration is greater than 85,000.