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Section 5.30 Functions with Lists Multiple Choice Questions

Checkpoint 5.30.1.

    Q-1: What would list_transformation([0, -2, 5.2, 1]) return?
    def list_transformation(lst):
        sum_of_lst = sum(lst)
        return lst
  • [-2, 0, 1, 4.2, 5.2]
  • Incorrect. This function will sort the list in order from lowest to highest, and then add the sum to the end of the list.
  • [-2, 0, 1, 5.2, 4.2]
  • Correct! It sorts the list in ascending order and then adds the sum at the end.
  • [4.2, -2, 0, 1, 5.2]
  • Incorrect. This function will sort the list in order from lowest to highest, and then add the sum to the end of the list.
  • [0, -2, 5.2, 1, 4.2]
  • Incorrect. This function will sort the list in order from lowest to highest, and then add the sum to the end of the list.
  • [5.2, 1, 0, -2, 4.2]
  • Incorrect. This function will sort the list in order from lowest to highest, and then add the sum to the end of the list.

Checkpoint 5.30.2.

    Q-2: Which values of num would not return an error if lst were [0, 4, -4, 2.5]?
    def popping_removal(lst, num):
        return lst
  • 0
  • Correct! This will remove the number at index 0.
  • 2.5
  • Incorrect! The built-in function, pop, removes the value from a list, lst, at a specified index, num.
  • 4
  • Incorrect! The built-in function, pop, removes the value from a list, lst, at a specified index, num.
  • -5
  • Incorrect! The built-in function, pop, removes the value from a list, lst, at a specified index, num.
  • -4
  • Correct! This will remove the number at index 0.

Checkpoint 5.30.3.

    Q-3: What would the function extend_and_append output if lst were [0, 200, 5.6, -2, 4, 5]?
    def extend_and_append(lst):
        new_list = lst[-4:-1]
        return lst
  • [0, 200, 5.6, -2, 4, 5, [-2, 4, 5], -2, 4, 5]
  • Incorrect! The built-in function append adds a list to the end of a list. The built-in function extend adds the values of a list to the end of a list.
  • [0, 200, 5.6, -2, 4, 5, 5.6, -2, 4, 5.6, -2, 4]
  • Incorrect! The built-in function append adds a list to the end of a list. The built-in function extend adds the values of a list to the end of a list.
  • [0, 200, 5.6, -2, 4, 5, [5.6, -2, 4], 5.6, -2, 4]
  • Correct! If the item you are appending is a list it is added as a list, while extend adds the values in the list.
  • [0, 200, 5.6, -2, 4, 5, 5.6, -2, 4, [5.6, -2, 4]]
  • Incorrect! The built-in function append adds a list to the end of a list. The built-in function extend adds the values of a list to the end of a list.
  • [0, 200, 5.6, -2, 4, 5, -2, 4, 5, [-2, 4, 5]]
  • Incorrect! The built-in function append adds a list to the end of a list. The built-in function extend adds the values of a list to the end of a list.

Checkpoint 5.30.4.

    Q-4: Which of the following would correctly replace the else statement?
    def comparing_lengths(lst1, lst2):
        if len(lst1) > len(lst2):
            return "The length of lst1 is greater than the length of lst1"
        elif len(lst1) < len(lst2):
            return "The length of lst2 is greater than the length of lst1"
            return "The length of lst1 and the length of lst2 are equal"
  • elif len(lst1) = len(lst2):
  • Incorrect! A single equal sign is the assignment operator.
  • elif len(lst1) == len(lst2):
  • Correct! This checks if they are the same length.
  • elif not(len(lst1) > len(lst2)) and not(len(lst1) < len(lst2))
  • Correct! This checks that the length of lst1 is not greater or less than lst2.
  • elif not(len(lst1) > len(lst2)) or not(len(lst1) < len(lst2))
  • Incorrect! When an or operator is used with two statements, only one of the statements has to be true in order for the entire statement to pass as true.
  • elif not(len(lst1) is not len(lst2)):
  • Correct! This checks if it is not true that the len of lst1 is not the same as the length of lst2.

Checkpoint 5.30.5.

    Q-5: Which of the following line(s) of code would properly return a reversed list? (Note: Commas represent line breaks)
    def reverse_list(lst):
        # line(s)
  • lst_reverse = lst.reverse(), return lst
  • Correct! Although it properly returns a reversed list, it is unnecessary to assign the reverse method to a variable. Reverse returns None.
  • lst.reverse(), return lst
  • Correct! This will reverse the list and then return it. Reverse returns None.
  • lst_reverse = lst.reverse(), return lst_reverse
  • Incorrect! The built-in python function, reverse, does not need to be assigned to a new variable.
  • return lst.reverse()
  • Incorrect! The built-in python function, reverse, has to be used on the list before the list can be returned.
  • lst_reverse = lst_reverse.reverse(), return lst
  • Incorrect! This code does not modify lst, the passed in parameter.