Linz – 08 Jun 2024

Various pictures from today:

painted house
planter with purple flowers
mariendom Mariendom (site in German)
church tower with clock

I then headed across the Donau (Danube) river. I tried getting up to Pöstlingberg, but gave up about halfway there. There was a statue to Mary; thought it would be really impressive, but nah.

danube river
danube river
planter with colorful flowers

Then to the main square (Hauptplatz):

statue in hauptplatz
statue in hauptplatz
base of statue
kitschy statue of german shepherd There was a flea market where you could buy all sorts of kitsch.
yellow sightseeing train A sightseeing train (no, I didn’t go on it).
bricks with) quotes In front of the Linz Art University.
la bananale de venezia linz Clever parody of the “Biennale de Venezia“; note how Linz is spelled vertically.
kunstuniversitát linz banner Note the different directions of the type.

Lentos Museum

I took an hour or so to go through the Lentos Art Museum.

modernist installation
woman with head of green spheres
room with abstracts
abstract painting of man by keith haring
three abstracts
lifelike wooden sculpture of man A work by Stephan Balkenhol.
two abstract paintings
abstract sculpture
line drawings of food all in same color Still Life with Cheese (Roy Lichtenstein)
A Warhol painting of Marily Monroe, along with two abstract works.
tongue depressors People could use the colored sticks to create their own art.
Was bedeutet es, Teil dieser Geschichte zu sein? In a room devoted to thinking and reflection: What does it mean to be part of this history?
Wie wirkt Geschichte nach, wo sind ihre Spuren? How does history impact, where are its traces?
abstract-sculpture and painting
sculpture of man with paintings in background
sculpture with ring of women and paintings in background

Sketches by Margit Palme.

paintings and sketches
bull standing astride naked ;lady lying on back
pictures of masked people Done in 2020 during pandemic masking.


advert for bike rental Linz really is pushing the bike rental (which I used).
statues on buildings
sign with many prohibitions “Other than that, enjoy the park!”
Pay phoe with red handpiece and buttons A relic from the early Cretaceous.
public toilet Clever name for a public toilet (pronounced “Pee Pee box”)
connections sculpture Art installation named “Feedback”
connectons The hoses connect the colors.

Stickers / Signage

Poster with dinosaur on bicycle Critical mass, but for kids on bicycles.
Bäckt mit Laib und Seele Baked with body and soul
Arbeitslosengeld rauf! Increase unemployement benefits!
Grottenbahn Zwergenreich & Märchenwelt A special train to “Grotto train, Kingdom of the Dwarves, and Fairy-tale World”. You aren’t going to catch me getting on that one.
Shouting man holding up hand Sign near a railroad crossing
Train with advert for Raffeisen bank: Wir macht’s möglich Train advert: We make it possible
Demonic grinning face with American flag motif. Not sure if this is a political statement or what.
ogb logo Logo for ÖGB (Austrian Trade Union); clever representation of umlaut.
lieferando logo Logo for a delivery service.
graffiti antifa zone
man with plaid flat cap; he is smoking a pipe I have no idea what this represents. (Text reads “No one can stop us.”)
Mensch, Tier und Planet über Profit! Zeit für ein neues Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftssystem. People, Animals, and Planet over profit! Time for a new business and economic system.


This should be the last of these, given that the election is tomorrow (9 June).

Vorhang auf für unser Österreich Curtain up for OUR Austria (from a right-wing populist party)
Die Grüne Oö / Zukunft mit dir The Greens / Future with you
Weil's ums klima geht Because it’s about the climate.
Europa. Aber Besser. Europe. But better. (from a liberal party)


I had a “Bosna” for lunch. It was excellent. Later, I decided to have something called Leberkäse later on. (The name translates to “liver cheese”, but it is neither. Go figure.) It was ok, but way too heavy. After that, I decided I needed a salad, so I bought the fixings at the grocery store next to the hotel. The box of diced vegetables is for soup, but it works OK on salad. The dressing is some sort of garlic sauce (even though the label says “BBQ” it doesn’t taste like barbecue sauce).

leberkas sandwich
Soup vegetables, garlic dressing, salad mix