Oslo 30 July 2018

The day started off with a hop on/hop off bus tour that lasted about an hour and a half. These pictures are from the area around the National Theater, taken before the bus tour:

Statues of three actors Fountain spraying water in half-dome Statue of actress in a ring of live flowers Carved lion seated above entrance to building

And these truly awful pictures from the bus itself. The first is in front of the Kon-Tiki Museum.

Easter Island-like sculpture in front of Kon-Tiki museum Outdoor flower stand multi-story brick building with sculpture of horse and rider at second floor Archway entrance to old fortress Yellow brick building in foreground, church spire in background old brick building with arches that have been filled in with bricks Opera house,  white concrete ramps, glass window exterior Statue of man in military hat from 1800s and cape Various 1900s-style buildings Sculpture: Twisted pieces of metal in an inverted cone configuration

In the afternoon, we took a tour of Rådhuset, the City Hall. Here are some exterior views, plus one of me in front of the building. Boy, do I look like a schlub.

Large buildings at sides, lower building in middle Fountain topped with sculpture of two intertwined swans Me in front of fountain with swan sculpture Clock with roman numerals and zodiac symbols Carving of medieval knight on side of rådhus Painted wood carving of norse mythological creatures

The tour of the interior of the building was quite good and very informative. It’s a very impressive place.

Fresco in radhus depicting Norway in 1920s-30s Painting with reclining woman radhus carving Factory worker circa  early 1900s radhus fresco Edvard Munch painting in a large conference room in Rådhuset. painted ceiling beams three masted sailing ships circular pattern wallpaper painting of king harald Painting of Queen Sonia painting of people at beach winter scene houses and people Wooden carving of heraldic crest with swan on either side People carrying Norwegian flags


Pictures taken on the way back to the hotel. The next to last one was in a shop window of an interior design place named KiiL; the last one is in front of a live theater establishment, Oslo Nye Teatr.

yellow brick parliament building Sculpture of portly seated man (Christian Krohg) Blue and yellow inflated bear Large pink balloon bear Black bear with brown paws and white lower face Imge down street showing front of royal palace White seated cherub with gold batman-like cowl and heart on chest Statue of actress tanding on a four-legged stool


Clever sign for a restaurant, and I am going to hell for having laughed at the second one:

Pirate skull with knife and fork instead of crossbones Poster of Andrea Bocelli with eyes torn out