London 23 July 2018

As per usual, click any picture to see it at a larger size.

Here’s a picture of the hotel room:

Two double beds with red shams

After getting situated, I walked around the neighborhood and saw these things:

Well-tended shrubbery in front of house Street marker reading “Finchley Parish, Barnet 4 1/4” (four and one fourth) Top floor of restaurant with small garden on top of flat area on 2nd floor.


At most intersections, you look to the right for oncoming traffic, then to the left (UK drives on left side of the road). For complex intersections, they have instructions painted on the ground:

Embossed painting on road “Look Left” and “Look Right” with arrrows

And this sign is just perfection, from the drawing to the font—this is great typography.

Drawing of smiling dog with red spots; text reads “Village Vet“