London 25 July 2018

The British Museum

Much of the day was taken up at the British Museum.

Reliefwork showing man holding golden sphere

It’s impossible to see the whole thing in one day, but I did see many interesting things.


Glazed Chinese sculpture of guardian of hell with green face Painted ceramic statue of chinese woman Various chinese ceramic vases and boxes Carved bull,resting Carved chinese dragons Chinese ceramic cups and plates multicolored chinese ceramic vases chinese dishware

There was a section about jade and jade artifacts:

split raw stone showing jade interior Ancient jade artifacts jade teapot and small jar Jade mother dog with puppies


Some of the carvings are amazingly intricate.

Carving of standing Indian man Standing Indian figures, knee bent, hand on knee. Carving with multiple figures in circular area at top


Small statues of Egyptian royalty Gold bust of Egyptian man Gold bracelets Gold bracelet

The Rosetta Stone

Of course, I had to get a picture of it (the first is a closeup of the front), both front and back. Legend has it there was an inscription on the back: “Eat at Joe’s Diner,” but there has been no scholarly work in that area.

Part of Rosetta stone showing arabic and greek text Back of Rosetta stone

Other Things

In no particular order, including a section about timepieces.

Small blue stone carving surrounded by gold Painted bowl Pocket watch showing inner workings Chronometer with three dials in wooden case Gold coins and shattered urn Double-handled drinking cup in shape of man’s head Bust of man’s head, split to reveal interior of stone. Assyrian sculpture; human head, animal body

Who knew that the Three Stooges (or maybe the Pep Boys) were foreshadowed in ancient times?

Triple-headed warrior

University College of London Area

Blue flowers in basket above archway Red and White brick building entrance Reliefwork above doorway Hanging flowerpots with multicolored flowers

I never would have gotten the following set of pictures if I hadn’t seen someone across the street from me raise his camera and point it towards the upper floors of this building.

Ornate relief work on window frames Reliefwork showing horse, word SARA beneath snarling animal reliefwork Bust of woman’s head window reliefwork

Finally, this set of mosaics near St Pancras/King’s Cross Station. Some of the tiles are mirrors.

Diamond-shaped mosaic of two peacocks Circular mosaic with geometric shapes Circular mosaic of geometric shapes (non-symmetrically arranged) Diamond-shaped mosaic

Signage and Stickers

schuh logo (shoe store) Polite notice: Bicycles etc. chained to these railings will be removed without further notice sticker: heart with nipples for eyes Grimacing man with baseball cap & sunglasses €uropa! spray-painted on a dumpster

And these two, the first of which is next to unreadable, and the second of which just looks unfortunate:

AGOSTENSE Sign with vertical lettering and reversed apostrophe