Vienna–April 14, 2019

One of the districts of Austria (Styria) had a fair set up near the city hall, where they were selling products from their area. Mosts of it was wine and beer, but there were a few other things, and I did buy some Buchteln, which tasted great.

Roman/Greek columns and statuary People standing in front of booth Multi-colored jars of jam

From there, I walked to the Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum).

Busts of Jakob Reumann, Victor Adler, and Ferdinand Hanusch Statue of seated woman on top, men on horseback below Bust of man with long flowing sideburns Exterior of building showing niches with statuary View of museum dining area from above Archway framed by angels blowing horns Woman with sword; head of man on table in front of her Portrait of family in 16th century garb Bust of man in niche on wall above door

One interestng display was an original painting (on the left), and a copy of it done by some other, less skilled artist (on the right):

Original 16th century painting of a group of people Copy of religious art with multiple people from 16th century

For me, the highlight was a display curated by filmmaker Wes Anderson and his partner, Juman Malouf. It was very nicely arranged; quirky and fascinating at the same time.

Jade stone among many other green artifacts Variety of ancient ceramic animals Case with statues in increasing size and recency

And then, back to more traditional things. (As a fellow tourist from Australia told me the next day while were standing in line waiting to get into another museum, “There’s only so many ways to paint a bloke on a horse.“)

Busts of 18th century people with powdered wigs round jeweled box with eagle insignia on top Ornate gold jar on gold plate Drinking horn in form of mythical being Gold-plated globe Instrument that looks like a  directional compass and protractor in a rectangular frame Gold carriage with cherub on top Blue “gravy bowl” with jewels on exterior 15th century bust of laughing boy Orange stone bowl

One part of the museum had a display of coins and medallions. The last of these pictures is a sign saying that the objects have been taken out to be digitized, which is a great idea.

Display case of large medallions Gold medallions of important people Gold coin with seated bishop Sign in empty case: Objects taken out for digitizing


Some posters:

Woman giving the finger. Text: Get nazis out of Parliament. F*CK FPÖ! Get Nazis out of Parliament. F*CK FPÖ!
Woman in hijab and woman in T-shirt. Text: In solidarity against racism. In solidarity against racism
Text: Don’t let nazis rule, and never parade. Don’t let Nazis rule, and never let them parade.
Man on horse jumping off diving platform. Text: After a few meters, Roy began to doubt the laws of the free market. After a few meters, Roy began to doubt the laws of the free market.