Vienna–April 10, 2019

A statue near the hotel:

White stone statue of woman in kneeling position, touching her hair.

I saw these somewhat kitsch-y tapestries in a shop window:

Tapestry image of little girl with two husky dogs Small tapestry of Jesus praying Tapestry of woman in pre-18th century dress

A clock and some children’s art at the Franz Joseph train station:

Old-style clock with cherubim at Franz Joseph train station Children of various cultures holding hands around a globe. children art obb75
Painting of mouth “eating” the earth and text: “Do you really want that?” Text: “Do you really want that?”
multi-colored flowers Drawing of clock with trees and rivers on the face

These pictures while wandering towards the Art History Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum) and Natural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum):

Archway with exposed brickwork Roman-style statue of woman holding snake drinking from bowl Top of building with statue of person on winged horse Statue of Goethe, seated
Building with curved glass half-dome window This is the butterfly house (I didn’t visit it.)
Flowers forming treble clef symbol in lawn Large monument to Mozart; sculpture of him standing Sculpture of Erwin Ringl pointing with right hand

This pink rabbit is in front of the opera house. It apparently has quite a history.

Large statue of a pink hare.

A couple of pictures from Stephansdom (St. Stepehen’s Church). Part of it is being restored, and the scaffolding screen is being sold for advertisement. It seems very out of place to me.

Large church with geometric pattern of diamonds and angled lines on roof Multi-level spires of church Back of church with black, weathered stone Large advert for cell phone on side of screen covering restoration scaffolding


I saw these stickers all over the place:

Black and white sticker We are consuming even more things. We are also consuming each other. Even more we are things.
wer schlaeft The person who sleeps doesn’t know they’re sleeping. So also is wakefulness a stranger to them.
Comic-book style art of people shooting guns. Text: Blow up all prisons! Blow up all prisons!


Trash can with orange sticker; can is filled with old newspapers. Your papers, please!
Storefront with full-window-sized advert for Raspberry Pi
Large capital P  as in Parking signs, attached to dog on leash. Text: “dog parking place” Dog Parking Place
Poster for MIAU (Marxist Initiative for Universities) with a red cat wearing goggles. Marxist Initiative for Universities (German acronym is MIAU).
Sign for dentist’s office with two curved lines representing a tooth. Sign for dentist’s office
Advert for headphones: A person who has eggs doesn’t search for them. Easter themed: A person who has eggs doesn’t search for them.


Click any picture to see it at a larger size.

After lunch today, I decided to take a long walk, and ended up at a canal near the Danube. It has an absolutely amazing display of graffiti, some of which I am posting here. (The street is Donaukanalradweg, Franz Josefs-Kai in case you are interested in doing a search for more examples.)

I think this one was my favorite.

graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti
graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti