New York City–June 4, 2022
The day started off great; I saw a bodega cat, and it even let me pet it!
My first stop was to go to Jerrell’s Betr Brgr for lunch; it was very good. Here are some of the things I saw along the way.
Then I wandered around the area after lunch, heading to City Hall. Today’s theme seemed to be stickers and wall art.
Moms Demand Action was holding a gun reform rally.
Onward to more of the lower Manhattan area.

I think this refers to a digital background checking technology company.
Eventually I ended up near Chinatown.
Later in the evening, I walked down 5th Avenue the opposite direction from yesterday in search of dinner and found a street fair in progress. Only a couple of pictures from that, as I had my mind on dinner rather than photos. (Also, most of it was people wandering around and listening to music or talking, so that’s not very photogenic.)