New York City–June 1, 2022
Green-Wood Cemetery
In the morning, I went to the Green-Wood Cemetery, which is near the hotel. It’s incredibly large; 478 acres, so I wasn’t able to look at more than a small part of the cemetery.
Most of the graves are subtly religious; others are very direct about it.
There are several lakes in the cemetery; this one had mausoleums surrounding it. Personal opinion here: the mausoleums are magnificent, but it’s hard for me to imagine a bigger waste of money. Of course, the families who built them must have thought it was worthwhile. These pictures aren’t all from the lake area, but that’s where I saw a lot of them all in one place
Horace Greeley is buried here. Apparently he never said “Go West, young man,” and it’s pretty obvious from this grave that he didn’t do it himself, and isn’t about to do so at any time in the near future.
More gravestones and markers
Industry City
Industry City is home to a lot of creative professionals. It also has a food hall, where I went (but, unfortunately, an hour before everything opened). Here is some of the art on the walls.
Brooklyn Museum
The Brooklyn Museum is the second largest museum in New York. I went there in the early afternoon.

Just inside the entrance is this huge artwork of two demented Mickey Mouses

This work and the next are by Guadalupe Maravilla.
Here are various works that caught my eye as I went through the museum.
Something a bit more modern:
More random artwork:
Miscellaneous Outdoor Photos
Taken on the walk back to the hotel.There are a lot of planters with flowers in the area.
Starting with two pictures from subway stations.