New York City–June 1, 2022

Green-Wood Cemetery

In the morning, I went to the Green-Wood Cemetery, which is near the hotel. It’s incredibly large; 478 acres, so I wasn’t able to look at more than a small part of the cemetery.

Group of six small headstones (about 30cm tall)
Headstone of person who lived 1913-1916

It’s really sad to see grave markers like this one.

At left, grave with statue of angel; at right, statue of woman with raised fist
Rock with cross at 45 degree angle; visible text on cross reads “I shall be sati”
White headstone with faded engraving
Very small headstone, with engraving totally faded away.
Grave with headstone that has fallen over

I saw a few graves had the headstones knocked over.

Three headstones tilted over and leaning on each other

(or just tilted over)

Faded headstone with what appears to be a small seal (aquatic mammal) on top

This looks like a seal, but probably was a lamb that has weathered away.

Headstone with picture of horse, and word TRAINER underneath.
Curved headstone with initials M.T.L.

I saw quite a few headstones like this (with only initials); not sure if it was the style at some point, or what.

Faded headstone of someone who died in 1877.
Multiple headstones with large trees in background
Large arch in foreground; obelisk in background
Long view of graves in  lawn and tree area
Relief sculpture of angel
Cairn of stones with name WILSON

Most of the graves are subtly religious; others are very direct about it.

Marker with text “Our beloved parents. They believed and sleep in Jesus.”
Virgiania Graeme / Wife of Frank Barker / 1867-1899 / A Christian Wife

There are several lakes in the cemetery; this one had mausoleums surrounding it. Personal opinion here: the mausoleums are magnificent, but it’s hard for me to imagine a bigger waste of money. Of course, the families who built them must have thought it was worthwhile. These pictures aren’t all from the lake area, but that’s where I saw a lot of them all in one place

Mausoleums around edge of an elliptical lake
Mausoleum with globe on top.
Large mausoleum with four doors
Mausoleum with three statues of religious figures on top
Mausoleum with door showing green patina
Mausoleum with name Lee and Chinese characters on side panels
Mausoleum with large Chinese character inscribed in a circle
Mausoleum with stairs leading up to a “porch”.
Mausoleum with curved roof
Brick mausoleum with peaked roof; five headstones in front
Mausoleum with purple flowers at left
Mausoleum with spire and statues

Horace Greeley is buried here. Apparently he never said “Go West, young man,” and it’s pretty obvious from this grave that he didn’t do it himself, and isn’t about to do so at any time in the near future.

Grave of Horace Greeley with his bust atop the marker

More gravestones and markers

Large grave marker with oval frame at top
Three gravestones; two of which are faded
Statue of angel and child looking up at angel
large marker with sculpture of vase of flowers at top
Four faded headstones and markers
Headstone with relief of angel in flight
Detail of weathered carving on side of headstone
Heart-shaped gravestones

Heart-shaped gravestones must be something fairly modern; I didn’t see something like this in the older markers.

Large marker with multiple weathered sculptures

Industry City

Industry City is home to a lot of creative professionals. It also has a food hall, where I went (but, unfortunately, an hour before everything opened). Here is some of the art on the walls.

LED sign for industry city, showing woman with blue hair and purple blouse
Blue silhouettes of people flying above orange and blue flowers
Wall art showing map of Industry City area
Art in yellow, orange, and red in Indian style
Wall art in style of asian tapestry with yellow flowers on red background
Two women with multi-colored quilt-like clothes

Brooklyn Museum

The Brooklyn Museum is the second largest museum in New York. I went there in the early afternoon.

Relief of bearded man on blue and gold mosaic rectangle

This is on the wall of the subway stop near the museum.

Large yellow sculpture forming word YO

Outside the museum entrance

Painting of flowers and branches with leaves on pink-purple background
Large (3-4 meter) wood sculpture of two cartoonish figures

Just inside the entrance is this huge artwork of two demented Mickey Mouses

Four sculptures of men in a back-to-back square
Black sculpture looking like the jaws of a dinosaur

This work and the next are by Guadalupe Maravilla.

Sculpture looking a bit like a dinosaur skeleton

Here are various works that caught my eye as I went through the museum.

Blue ceramic jar in shape of opening flower bud
Two ceramic ducks
Asian warrior with raised fist
Yellow rubber gel vase, ancient blue ceramic vase, and black ceramic vase
Gold eagle perched on head of lizard
Bronze of ancient Asian warrior
Carved trees in soapstone
Ram’s head stone sculpture
Sumerian carving of being with animal head and human body
multi colored jewel scarabs
Granite bust of a king
Blue stone hippopotamus
Pottery shards painted with flowers and trees
Blue stone carving of monkey
Small painted fish (blue and brown)
Three small carvings of sarcophagi
Small blue carvings of Egyptian gods in profile
Stained glass window with cross in center
Ornate vases
Vase with head of cow and ceramic roses
Inuit-style whale with red stripes on black
Wood carving of fox/wolf-like animal
Pitcher with carved relief wolf head on side

Something a bit more modern:

Three abstraact, mainly geometric, works
Pile of pink plush animals with Xes on the eyes.
Red bicycle with raccoon tails on handlebars

More random artwork:

Collection of busts

This is from a section of the museum where they have a display of their storage area.

Small screen drawing in Japanese style
Statue of person in black and red pants, with flowers and branches growing out of back.
Statue of man in red and black pants with flowers growing around a cage over the head
Vase with drawing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg wearing a line-drawing crown
Portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Vase in shape of Chinese dog

Miscellaneous Outdoor Photos

Taken on the walk back to the hotel.There are a lot of planters with flowers in the area.

Arch dedicated to military
Planter with intertwined serpents as handle
Purple roses
Planter with purple and yellow flowers.
Faded red-painted post on corner
Electric car charger with logo plug NYC; the “u” in plug is the shape of an electrical plug.

Good to see this electric vehicle charger.

Blue flowers with yellow center
Planter with purple and yellow flowers
Relief carving of a lion
Utility box with a smear of white paint; a face is drawn in marker in the white paint.


Starting with two pictures from subway stations.

Relief with letter A and scrollwork with flower
Mosaic with white letter M on blue background
Sticker reading “Abolish the” with remaining word(s) scratched away
Sticker of person with hair made of colored circles as in 1970s art. Text: “Thasss’ right!!!! Or other like that”
Sign: America runs on Dunkin’; underneath someone has written in marker “and exploitation”