Graz–Feb. 9, 2025
Only a couple of pictures today, taken as I rode my bike around the area north of Lendplatz.
Traffic Signs
As I was riding my bike, I saw this sign and turned around. I saw the red slash and thought it meant “no bicycles allowed.”
When I got home, I decided I had better learn the traffic signs now that I’m on a bicycle. Luckily, Wikipedia to the rescue!
As it turns out, the direction of the diagonal (normal slash / vs. backslash \) makes a big difference!
The forward slash diagonal / means “end of”, so this sign means “end of bike path” rather than “no bikes allowed”.
Similarly, this sign means “end minimum 30 kph speed limit”:
The backslash diagonal \ means “do not”. This is a ”no parking“ sign:
No U-turn.
No left turn...
But there is one exception: The “no right turn“ sign uses a forward slash diagonal /.
Why? Just as an experiment, I reversed the direction of the slash. Now it cuts through the arrow in only one place instead of two places, which is not as dramatically visible. I suspect that’s why they use the forward diagonal for “no right turn“.