Graz–Feb. 9, 2025

Only a couple of pictures today, taken as I rode my bike around the area north of Lendplatz.

pink flowers on building
decorative abstract art

Traffic Signs

As I was riding my bike, I saw this sign and turned around. I saw the red slash and thought it meant “no bicycles allowed.”

Bicycle with red forwward slash

When I got home, I decided I had better learn the traffic signs now that I’m on a bicycle. Luckily, Wikipedia to the rescue!

As it turns out, the direction of the diagonal (normal slash / vs. backslash \) makes a big difference!

The forward slash diagonal / means “end of”, so this sign means “end of bike path” rather than “no bikes allowed”.

Bicycle with red forwward slash

Similarly, this sign means “end minimum 30 kph speed limit”:

end speed limit

The backslash diagonal \ means “do not”. This is a ”no parking“ sign:

Red circle with backslash and blue background

No U-turn.

no u turn

No left turn...

Left turn arrow with backslash through it

But there is one exception: The “no right turn“ sign uses a forward slash diagonal /.

Right turn arrow with slash through it

Why? Just as an experiment, I reversed the direction of the slash. Now it cuts through the arrow in only one place instead of two places, which is not as dramatically visible. I suspect that’s why they use the forward diagonal for “no right turn“.

bad right turn