Graz–Feb. 10, 2025
Shopping Day!
This is the chair that came with the apartment. It looks nice, but the curve in it just made sitting in it for any extended period of time very uncomfortable.
I wanted a folding chair like the one I have in San José, but didn’t know the word for it. I tried a search for faltbare Sessel (foldable chair), and got some results, none of which resembled what I wanted. I then tried faltbare Stuhl and got equally unsatisfactory results, except for one that was called Klappstuhl. A search for that found me exactly the kind of chair I was looking for. Several styles were available at Möbelix 🇦🇹, so off I went.
This is the one I decided on. It cost about 40 €. There was one for 20 €, but it had a plastic cushion rather than a cloth-covered one.
Later in the morning, I went to City Park mall to get groceries at the big Interspar store. I rode my bike, and discovered that many of the streets I had used when walking were one-way—the wrong direction—so I spent a few extra minutes finding a sequence of streets that let me get to the mall. Here’s what I ended up with:
These seem to be the moral equivalent of BBQ Potato chips, but I haven’t tried them yet.
You can tell they are made in Germany because they use the word Kartoffel for potato; in Austria a potato is an Erdapfel.
I’m getting tired of the raisin bread rolls for breakfast, so I bought these poppy seed crescents. Again, haven’t tried them.
Got a can of the house brand diet cola.
Some pasta sauce with roasted garlic.
This is the whole grain bread that I like. (I bought some whole grain rye bread last week, and it was not to my taste.)
Vegan Aioli sauce for my sandwiches.
And finally, these candies from Haribo. You would not believe how many different kinds of candy they have. Next time I’m at Interspar, I’ll try to get a picture.
The Haribo tag line in German is „Haribo macht Kinder froh, und Erwachsene ebenso“, which translates to “Haribo makes children happy, and grownups as well.”
By the way, I looked at the Wikipedia entry for Haribo, and the history of the company is fairly interesting, especially the matter of succession when one of the founder’s sons died.
I tried these candies today, and they are wonderful!