Graz–Feb. 8, 2025
I went to the Graz Messe (convention center) for the Schokoladefest. It was...OK. I got there a bit before noon, and they had some guy up on stage getting the children singing and moving. Way too loud, but the kids seemed to enjoy it, so that was good.
There were a lot of vendors, many from Czechia, Poland, and Italy. Everything was fairly expensive (no, this isn’t just me being Mr. Cheap Bastard; on the Reddit group for Graz, someone else was complaining about it as well). I ended up buying some dark-chocolate-covered strawberries. The chocolate was great. The strawberries, not so much. Also bought some dark chocolate bark with cranberries, but haven’t eaten it yet.

Made with love for your mouth / Mouthblowing! (Wonder how the parents explained that to the kiddies...)
And these buildings on the way back...