Graz–Jan. 17, 2025

I went out to MediaMarkt and got a microwave 🇦🇹.


I may not have made the best choice:

The good news is that it was inexpensive, and appears to work, well, OK so far. It also fits nicely on the counter top; I was worried there might not be as much vertical clearance as the manufacturer recommends. Also, because it was inexpensive, if I need a better one, I can sell this one off on 🇦🇹, which is the moral equivalent of Craigslist.

Getting it home was a bit of a challenge. The microwave plus box weighed about 12 kg (26 pounds-ish), which is not terribly heavy, but it was bulky. I had to carry it from the mall to the bus stop, and then from the destination bus stop to the apartment building. Usually I take the stairs to the 5th floor, but this time I decided I would take the elevator. Except the elevator was on the 1st floor (in Europe, one floor above ground level), and it would not come down to street level when I pressed the button. So, I had to haul the damn thing up the stairs. And that was my excitement for the day.

In other news: here’s a picture of the chocolate chip cookies from Spar. You can’t see it from the picture on the package, but the bottom of the cookie has a layer of milk chocolate. The price is right, too: 1,69€ for eight cookies. This is now my go-to favorite!
