Washington DC–January 19, 2017

Hung out around my brother’s house today, so not many pictures.

Here’s a decoration on a house:

Hanging decoration in shape of hot air balloon

I saw a couple of brick/stone walls; these caught my eye because you don’t see a lot of brickwork in California (unreinforced brick + earthquakes = bad news).

Wall of irregularly shaped stones Wall of multi-colored slightly irregular rectangular stones

An interesting doorstop and a storm drain cover.

Concrete doorstop in form of an angel. Storm drain cover

Some stickers on utility boxes; the first one looks good right side up and upside-down.

Sticker with drawing of man in glasses stickers

A shopping center logo:

Logo with three stylized trees

And finally, some animals (the deer was in someone’s front yard).

side view of deer Calico cat with mouth open