The Months of the Year
Οι μήνες του χρόνον είναι: (The months of the year are:)
January | Ιανουάριος | July | Ιούλιος |
February | Φεβρουάριος | August | Αύγουστος |
March | Μάρτιος | September | Σεπτέμβριος |
April | Απρίλιος | October | Οκτώβριος |
May | Μάϊος | November | Νοέμβριος |
June | Ιούνιος | December | Δεκέμβριος |
Hey! What's that ϊ doing in Μάϊος? The double dot over a vowel in Greek means that it should be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel. That is:
αι is a double vowel, pronounced "eh" as in "get"
αϊ is two separate vowels, pronounced "ah-ee"
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