Graz–Feb. 19, 2025
Did quite a bit of walking today; I took the #6 streetcar out to the St. Peter Cemetery stop and later walked back to Jakominiplatz.
Yesterday I commented about seeing something on a building for the first time. Today it happened again; I have passed this building at least twice a day, and I never noticed this sculpture until today:
Or this one on a nearby building...
And I’ve seen this sundial at the Hauptplatz many times, but this is the first time it was sunny enough to see that yes, it really works!
The rest of these are ones I haven’t seen before.
This one is interesting; instead of digits, the clock face has letters that spell out „WACHE UND BETE“ (watch and pray; Mark 14:38 [I had to look it up])
Same clock tower, but more of the church in the photo.
Some real medieval religious stuff going on here...
And a (fairly typical) roof sculpture
And now, a break for something a bit more modern; the sculpture is near the TU (Technical University) Graz.
Back to the old stuff...