Graz–Feb. 6, 2025

Off to Wetzelsdorf today (west end of streetcar line 7). The walk back overlaps a lot of what I have seen before, so not a lot of pictures today. On the way back, I stopped at a bicycle shop 🇦🇹 that had a lot of bicycles, mostly to scope things out. The salesperson was very helpful. Will return tomorrow to test ride a couple of bicycles.

Painted stripe that looks like red “greater than“ signs near roof of building.

Cool stripe!

house with pink walls
houses on hillside
flowery metalwork on fence
building with red facade
Building with balconies whose shorter sides are yellow and red.
doors with fancy scrollwork
long word

German loves long words! (Graz Non-Profit Organizations Housing Cooperative)

Someone chalked several versions of “goodbye” on the sidewalk near a streetcar stop:


Colloquial German for “Bye”

Gute Fahrt

Have a good trip!


Pronounced like “Ciao”

And finally, a cannabis vending machine; something you wouldn’t see every day in the US:

cannabis vending machine