Graz–Feb. 5, 2025

I spent much of the day trying to find a place to buy a bicycle. Most of the places were very small, and had very little for sale—they were mostly repair shops.

Here, in no particular order, are the things I saw on the way.

office building
back of statue of bishop

The back of a statue...

front of statue of bishop with staff holding tablet

...and the front.

Large green letters lying on their side, spelling out SPOT.

This must be the spot.

Statue of man in military garb drawing a sword

This is Herzog (Duke) Wilhelm von Wurttemberg

Turquoise door with relief of demonic-looking head
Exterior of modern building with text kunst uni graz on side
Busts of Hugo Wolf, Anton Bruckner, and Franz Liszt.

Left to right: Hugo Wolf, Anton Bruckner, and Franz List.

wall painting of man drinking from juice box
relief sculpture of lion
metal sculpture on side of building
large impressive old style building
corner of building with ornate spire
relief sculpture of young woman
reliefwork with red berries
Reliefwork on arch above door. Woman has red hair, and there are yellow flowers on the arch.
herz jesu Church

The Herz Jesu Church

ornate dark brown wooden door
dark green door with white decoration elements


Two periodicals: “week” and “month”.

Top sign: WOCHE, bottom sign: MONAT

This place makes more than rubber stamps; they have all sorts of office signs as well. There is, however, a place near Griesplatz that specializes in rubber stamps. How they make a living on that is anyone’s guess.

Sign for Dunkler company with a large 3-d rubber stamp

Another all-electric truck!

GLS company truck: Ich fahre 100% elektrisch, with a drawing of an electrical plug

Fraktur returns!

Fraktur font sign for Akademische Sängerschaft Gothia

This per request of someone in San José who wanted to compare the sign to the one in front of an ice cream store near where they work.

3-d display: Large waffle cone with three different colored scoops of ice cream, in front of gelateria and crepe restaurant

Clever signs for an optometry / glasses store

Upside-down drawing of man in hat, wearing glasses with names josef + Maria (the + is the bridge of the glasses
Woman with curly hair wearing glasses labeled Josef + Maria

This place (“Fantastic Windows”) has a great sign, but the store is empty.

Sign for „fantastische fenster“ with a large eye on a striped background

Greens and Alternative Students

GRAS grüne & alternative student_innen

See that rectangular sign under the STOP sign? This tells you that cross traffic does not stop.

one way stop sign