Graz–Feb. 3, 2025

Today’s trip was to Puntigam, at the southwest end of line 5. This area is home to the Puntigamer brewery 🇦🇹. (The site will ask you if you are over 16.) Their beer is a big thing here in Graz.

puntigam streetcar and bus station

The streetcar and bus station.

puntigamer getrank shop

The beverage shop.

puntigamer brewery

The brewery entrance.

I didn’t go in to either one. The beverage shop because I don’t drink, and the brewery because I wasn’t interested in a tour today. Maybe some other day.

Walking back from Puntigam

I keep seeing these areas with these small houses. I am not sure if these are summer homes, or if people live in them year around, or what.

small houses

Close-up of the material in a sound wall. (Click to see a larger version of the image.) I am guessing that the irregular surface helps break up sound waves.

sound wall

This machinery just looked interesting.

interesting looking machinery

And so did the equipment at the top of the pole.

equipment at top of pole

Entrance to the Central Cemetery. Again, didn’t have time to go in, but may do so at a later date to get some photos for a friend who is into that sort of thing.

zentral Friedhof entrance


Nicht krank-geschrieben ≠ gesund

Not on sick leave ≠ healthy

Die wahren Abenteuer sind im Kopf

Sign at a library: The true adventures are in your head.

Street sign Herrgottwiesgasse; the letters seem out of proportion and are badly kerned.

Everything about the typography on this sign just looks wrong.

Cartoonish red monster holding sign: Monster-stark / Hier werden Türen-Wünsche wahr!

Monster strong / All your wishes for your doors come true here!

Tram stop sign reflected in the roof of a nearby building

I thought the reflection looked interesting

round windows
hotel wall painting
weathered blue painted doors
Wall made of curved orange tile with small squares with varying shades of orange.

Wall at a store that sells tiles.

paintings on multi story building

Various paintings on buildings...

painting of snake around windows
Multi-story painting of man in orange t-shirt and blue jeans with head of a bull.
Wall painting of woman with long hair in broad-brimmed hat
Multi-story wall painting of blond-haired boy with brown dog
black and white artwork on building
Gigantic (two-story-tall) red chair in front of XXXLutz furniture store

Claes Oldenburg would have liked this; it’s in front of a furniture store.

Painting of man drinking beer; behind him are four beer barrels. He is wearing a green Tyrolean-style hat

This is sort of creepy, TBH.

statue in plant covered niche
metal symbol of graz

This is near the Mur river on Schönaugürtel

Painting of person going off diving board; at right in foreground is a woman with sunglasses in a bathing suit

I edited out the graffiti.

augarten bad
woman with beach ball and polka dotted beach towel
jellyfish on blue background
purple face graffiti
Painting of bee: wenn wir wegen euch aussterben dann werdet ihr wegen uns aussterben

If we die out because of you, then you die out because of us.

reflection of building in water

What can I say? I like these reflection photos.

graffiti with cartoon robots
multicolored stucco curved wall
building painting with dripping paint effect