Graz–Jan. 25, 2025
Lots of graffiti and posters near where I live:
Smart City
I took the #6 streetcar out to “Smart City 🇦🇹”, which is in the northwest part of the city. Pretty much a bunch of apartment blocks:
On Saturday night, I attended a demonstration against the Akademiker Ball 🇦🇹. Why protest that, you might ask? Apparently it’s put on by the student associations and the Academic Fraternity Allemannia, which are very right wing. About 1,500 people showed up. I didn’t take any pictures there because I wasn’t sure how privacy laws work in Austria, and a protest march makes things more problematic. (Here’s an article from the local paper, and it has photos. 🇦🇹)
We marched from Mariahilferplatz down to near Jakominiplatz and then ended up at Hauptplatz. It took a couple of hours, including the assembly and listening to the introductory speakers. I understood about 80% of it, because all protest speakers say the same sort of stuff and I sort of knew what to expect.
One guy was going around offering ear plugs to anyone who wanted them. I was glad he was there, because I had forgotten mine at home. The organizers also passed out pieces of paper with protest chants. They rhyme in German, not so much in my English translations:
Rassismus und Sozialabbau
Racism and social welfare cuts
War das wieder Kunasek?
Was that Kunasek (FPÖ Steiermark politician) again?
5, 6, 7, 8, Keine Buschis an der Macht
5, 6, 7, 8, No frat boys in power
unsere Antwort Widerstand!
our answer: resistance!
das ist Raumfahrt, die sich lohnt.
that space travel is worth it. (This one was my favorite)
Burschis von der Straße fegen!
sweep the frat boys off the streets
das ist die deutsche Burschenschaft
That is the German fraternity.
Cute Times / Fight the Right
Another of the many ethnic markets in the area. Clever use of the colors of the Romanian flag.
Not sure if this counts as a kerning fail or not; I think I’ll call this one a “sub-optimal place for a window frame.”
As promised, a picture of the bicycle racks at the main train station.
An empty display case, but what is left looks fairly artistic to me.