Graz–Jan. 24, 2025
Since the place I am renting is a short-term rental that expires at the beginning of March, I am looking for a different place. (I will try to extend this rental for another month or two.) I am trying to find one that:
- Has a month-to-month rental instead of a three-year lease agreement (that is the standard here)
- Has a built-in kitchen (some apartments don’t; you have to buy all the appliances yourself)
- In a reasonably good area
- Has a reasonable price. For example, €1000 per month goes a long way here compared to San José.
I walked out to a development called Jakomini Verde 🇦🇹. Some pictures along the way:
I used an underpass to get across one of the streets that didn’t have a crosswalk, and sure enough it was a great source of graffiti:
There was a traffic accident, and the police had set up a temporary closure with a sign that said “Accident”:
Further along the way was the Augarten park.
Further pictures along the way:
It seems a nice area; the buildings are fairly new, but it’s also sort of in the middle of nowhere.
And, some pictures on the way back.