Graz–Jan. 24, 2025

Since the place I am renting is a short-term rental that expires at the beginning of March, I am looking for a different place. (I will try to extend this rental for another month or two.) I am trying to find one that:

I walked out to a development called Jakomini Verde 🇦🇹. Some pictures along the way:

Reflection of bridge in the Mur river.
Reflection of a bridge in the Mur river

I used an underpass to get across one of the streets that didn’t have a crosswalk, and sure enough it was a great source of graffiti:

Graffiti art of a man in a beret spray-painting a wall
Scowling face with text SLUM underneath
Man with sunglasses and purple hair  in purple shirt
Fox with square glasses and lab coat; text MAD underneath the drawing
Stenciled text: No border / No Nation/ Stop deportation!
Head of rabbit, labeled Easter Bunny
Scowling man wearing Nike t-shirt
Witch doctor in mask looking at plants

There was a traffic accident, and the police had set up a temporary closure with a sign that said “Accident”:

Portable LED sign reading UNFALL (accident); police car in foreground

Further along the way was the Augarten park.

Large sculpture consisting of three oval stones
exercise equipment

The park has a “free gym“ with exercise equipment. How cool is that?

exercise equipment
exercise equipment

Further pictures along the way:

Garden on roof balcony with blue striped awning
An apartment building on stilts.

Another building on stilts

mondrian style window
multi story apartment block

The buildings at Jakomini Verde

It seems a nice area; the buildings are fairly new, but it’s also sort of in the middle of nowhere.

And, some pictures on the way back.

church and trees
building under construction

There seems to be a lot of construction going on everywhere.

Signage / Miscellanea

Red-haired woman with dog on leash

Give animal welfare a (your) voice

Wie Füchse im Wald (Anarchist symbol underneath)

Like foxes in the forest (with anarchist symbol)

Sign at construction area with little girl in hard hat.  Lieblingsplatz...demnächts hier

Your favorite soon

store signs with green alien as mascot

Sign for an “extraterrestrially good” vending machine place

Finally, a few blocks from the apartment, a Turkish grocery was selling these chocolate-covered cake with marshmallow packages for €1 each. I wondered why it was so cheap. Then I looked at the production and expiration date, which explained everything.

askim cake