Graz–Jan. 15, 2025

Today was another shopping day. There’s a scale in the bathroom, but the battery was low. Unfortunately, you need a screwdriver to open the battery compartment, so that was on my list of things to buy. Additionally, I was not sleeping tremendously well, and I decided I need to get a new pillow (in German, Kopfkissen, which translates literally to “head cushion”). I also wanted to get a Braun haircutting kit 🇦🇹, so off I went to Center West again.

industrial area The mall is in a fairly industrialized area that doesn’t seem to have a lot of other things to recommend it.

I tried this store first (since it specialized in bedding), but the prices were outrageously high.

Front of a bedding store with a large cartoonish duck on the roof

For the screwdriver set, I headed over to OBI 🇦🇹. As the picture shows, all “big box” stores look pretty much alike. By the way, I looked it up, and the people who started the company bought the name from a French company; OBI in French is pronounced as the word “hobby” (with a silent “h”).

obi front view

As for the pillow, I went to Ikea and got one there for a very reasonable price.