Graz–Jan. 12, 2025
I took a walk from my house to Jakominiplatz; here are some pictures along the way.
I have to visit this place when it’s open.
Who knew that roof avalanches were a thing?
Sign on a streetcar window: Let people leave before you get on. It sounds logical. It is, too.
A sticker against the FPÖ (an extreme right-wing party in Austria)
This is a calendar from the bank. I understand the names under the days of the week; those are Saints’ days. The items in red are the countries where a particular day is a holiday. I was really surprised, though, to see the Zodiac signs; apparently this shows which Zodiac sign the moon is in. Why that is important, I have no clue, and why it would be in a bank’s calendar is a total mystery. I hope they don’t cast people’s horoscopes when deciding whether to approve a loan or not!