Graz–Jan. 12, 2025

I took a walk from my house to Jakominiplatz; here are some pictures along the way.

stilt house

This is the place where I live.

exterior building peeling paint

Some of the nearby buildings are a bit run down.

ornate old building

Some are still very impressive.

wall art of family at beach
streetcar construction

Here’s that construction I was talking about.

street construction

The available sidewalk is not in the greatest condition either.

Onion dome church in foreground, Uhrturm in background.
view of Mur river
column with ornate reliefwork and smiling face
sacher torte

You can get a genuine Sacher torte here.

old building


I have to visit this place when it’s open.

Oh My Dog (hotdog kiosk) with sayings like “Dog will show us the way”

Who knew that roof avalanches were a thing?

roof avalanches warning

Sign on a streetcar window: Let people leave before you get on. It sounds logical. It is, too.

Aussteigen vor Einsteigen. Klingt logisch. Ist es auch.

A sticker against the FPÖ (an extreme right-wing party in Austria)

fck FPÖ


This is a calendar from the bank. I understand the names under the days of the week; those are Saints’ days. The items in red are the countries where a particular day is a holiday. I was really surprised, though, to see the Zodiac signs; apparently this shows which Zodiac sign the moon is in. Why that is important, I have no clue, and why it would be in a bank’s calendar is a total mystery. I hope they don’t cast people’s horoscopes when deciding whether to approve a loan or not!
