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Section 9.4 Accessing Elements

The syntax for accessing the elements of a list is the same as the syntax for accessing the characters of a string. We use the index operator ( [] — not to be confused with an empty list). The expression inside the brackets specifies the index. Remember that the indices start at 0. Any integer expression can be used as an index, and as with strings, negative index values will locate items from the right instead of from the left.

Checkpoint 9.4.1.

    What is printed by the following statements?
    a_list = [3, 67, "cat", "dog", 910, 3.14, False]
  • 910
  • That entry is at index 4.
  • 3.14
  • Yes, 3.14 is at index 5 since we start counting at 0.
  • False
  • False is at index 6.

Checkpoint 9.4.2.

    What is printed by the following statements?
    a_list = [3, 67, "cat", "dog", 910, 3.14, False]
  • Error, you cannot use the upper method on a list.
  • We are applying upper to a_list[2], not the whole list. a_list[2] is the string "cat" so the upper method is legal
  • 2
  • 2 is the index. We want the item at that index.
  • CAT
  • Yes, the string "cat" is upper cased to become "CAT".