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  • Viva Calle San José–September 10, 2023

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    I went bicycle riding in San José for Viva CalleSJ, where they close off streets so pedestrians and bicyclists can enjoy the area.

    Some wall art and art on utility meters:

    wall art
    la original

    At one of the main stop points, people were making large art:

    large art
    large art
    large art
    large art
    large art
    large art
    large art
    large art

    A logo for a restaurant, and wall paintings at a taqueria:

    carnitas el rincon
    taqueria pepsi wall art
    anime characters wall art

    And these, from another terminus of the route:

    nuevas generaciones

    On the back of a taco truck

    nuevas generaciones

    The Spanish at the top translates to “A taco a day is the key to happiness.” (It rhymes in Spanish.)

    viva calle sj

    An inflatable logo near the DJ’s booth.

    And finally, a retro sign:

    western guy