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March for Science, San José CA, 22 April 2017

I took part in the March for Science, Silicon Valley today. Here is the sign I carried, which got a lot of nice comments:

Without science, you wouldn't be taking that picture.

And here are other signs:

“Suck my balls” (Galileo in front of tower of Pisa) What do we want? Evidence based facts! When do we want it? After peer review! Party Spock is in the house tonight. Everybody hve  logical time. Hey ocean, destroy Mar-A-Lago first! We are part of the solution. Trump is the precipitate. Join the Resistance (with picture of an electronic resistor) This protest sign had more peer review than your policies. No Science, No Beer / Science is not square root of -1 Be part of the Solutoin / Science: the cure for bullshit Science is Otterly Pawesome (Monterey Bay Aquarium) Poster with text about Al-Khowarizmi Al-gebra member and follower of Al-Khowarizmi S (superman symbol) stands for “scientist” vile duplicitous Mother Nature is nobody's bitch Theories may come and go, but fundamental data always remain the same. Dissertation defense on Monday. Nothing clever left to say, but here's my abstract. I'm pissed I even have to be here Who are we? Computer Scientists! What do we want? NOW!!! When do we want it? Concurrency! Sciecne (with transpose edit on c and n): Nobody knew it was so complicated This is your brain (image of Trump); This is your brain on science (Neil DeGrassse Tyson). Any questions? Science is Universal (V is made by a spaceman holding hand in V signal) Image with glass half full, half empty, and scientific analysis of content wtf The “upside” of climate change: Mar-a-Lago underwater Experiment: Make it your motto day and night (Cole Porter) Got plauge? Yeah, me neither! Thank a scientist Woman wearing papier mache coffee up: “Wake up! Art and Science Scare Tyrants” I can't believe we have to march for objective reality [Picture of Spock] Science denial is illogical T-shirt: The Cat in the Box by Dr. Schrodinger Polar bear holding sign: Let us now pause for a moment of science T-shirt with text :): (Fig 1 Schrödinger’s Emoticon) F*CK TRUMP (made from cards depicting element names) I am no longer accepting the things I can not change. I am changing the things I can not accept. (Angela Davis) Bill Nye & Neil DeGrasse Tyson in sunglasses: Don't ever let anyone tell you science isn't cool. Car with Data from Star Trek driving and a bill from Schoolhouse Rock in passenger seat: “Let Data drive policy” Babes against Bullshit Grab 'em by the data Poster with Beaker the muppet; text: Resist! [image of Trump] Dont know much about/history/biology/a science book/the job I took Fist holding microscope: Science, not silence Make America Smart Again

Silicon Valley Comic Con

I also went to the Silicon Valley Comic Con, where I got some pictures:

Furry wolf in Edwardian costume Robot with glowing blue eyes People dressed as Enterprise, shuttlecraft, borg cube, Romulan warbird, and Klingon cruiser Character with long beard, blue nose, yellow crown, in menacing position


Several caterpillars fell from the trees in the park; one person from the Atheist Community of San Jose rescued this little guy and released it on the ground.

Caterpillar crawling on thumb of member from Atheist Community of San Jose

This sticker and drawing on a street sign:

Sticker “Tank shit” and pen drawing of man in hat.