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  • Los Angeles, California 29 – 31 July 2021

    I took off to Los Angeles for a few days. I didn’t have anything in particular that I wanted to do; I just wanted to get out of San José for a while. Click any picture to see it at a larger size.

    First, a few pictures from a walk from Koreatown to Los Feliz.

    Homeless encampment with bicycles piled up to height of 2.5 meters There are homeless encampments all over Los Angeles.
    Poster with multiple black and white panels showing two women in aztec headdresses; alternate panels are photo negative
    Staircase with geometric tiles on the risers

    The Panda Express in Los Feliz was one of the places in Los Angeles and New York that were test marketing “Beyond the Original Orange Chicken,” a vegan meat replacement from Beyond Meat. The “chicken“ nugget itself tasted great, but the coating was lacking the crunch that the original has.

    Vegan orange chicken from Panda Express; shows several chicken nuggets, with one bitten into to show texture

    The Broad Museum

    The next day, I went to the Broad Museum, and passed several interesting sights, including the Angel’s Flight funicular:

    Hand opening a zipper
    Entrance to Angel’s Flight funicular with orange railway car
    Wall mural for Victor Clothing, showing man in a suit
    Faded paint for old Victor Clothing
    Elaborate carvings on archway entrance to hotel
    Cardboard cutout of Sen. Bernie Sanders at Inauguration wearing scarf and gloves; green sun hat placed on cutout.
    Exterior of Broad museum with elliptical “honeycomb” pattern

    The museum is definitely worth a visit. It’s very well laid-out; every time I thought I had seen everything on the second floor, I turned a corner and found myself seeing something new.

    Gold, red, and silver metallic squares in a hanging sculpture
    Guernimex by Ray Smith - a Mexican culture-oriented appropriation of Picasso’s Guernica “Guernimex” by Ray Smith; a Mexican culture-oriented appropriation of Picasso’s “Guernica.”
    Array of old 1950s advertisements
    Array of metal signs embossed: Propane delivered to FEMA trailers; each plate has different words painted red or yellow
    Photo of people in an art gallery in italy looking upwards at an (unseen) art piece
    US Flag with red and black stripes, and green field of black stars
    Foreground: silver toy train cars; background: painting with green faces with bulging eyes and slightly protruding tongue
    Three small abstract sculptures by Cy Twombly These are by Cy Twombly.
    Red and blue trapezoids giving a three-d effect where they join
    Large green chevron
    Black wooden table and chairs sized about 3 meters tall
    Back of painting - text is a newspaper article about Charles Manson returning to court
    Front of blown-up newspaper photo of Charles Manson
    Abstract painting with mostly yellow tones

    There were quite a few works by Jeff Koons:

    Large “tulips” made of stainless steel with transparent color coating
    Stainless steel “balloon bunny”
    Sculpture of Buster Keaton seated on a small horse; a small bird is on Keaton’s shoulder.
    Sculpture of Michael Jackson and Bubbles the Chimp; both dressed in gold
    Large stainless steel sculpture with blue transparent coating in shape of a balloon dog
    Large stainless steel tulips with transparent colored coating in multiple colors

    Roy Lichtenstein:

    Gallery with various works by Roy Lichtenstein
    Painting of a wooden frame with paintbrushes, a horseshoe, and a small painting in the corner

    Andy Warhol (I never knew he had done pencil works):

    Large blow-up newspaper style photos of a most wanted criminal
    Two Campbell’s soup cans, one with a torn label and the other with an intact label.
    Pencil drawings: top is a man injecting drugs, bottom is a dishwasher interior
    Pen and ink drawing of man in suit and green hat seated at a restaurant
    Statue of Liberty by Andy Warhol, with red white and blue streaks of paint.
    Full color drawing of Superman in flight “shadowed“ by a pencil outline of same

    Jean-Michel Basquiat:

    Abstract painting with man and letters and numbers
    Abstract art of man painted on wooden slats
    Abstract of Dizzy Gillespie and a scientist
    Two abstract paintings, one primarily green background the other primarily red
    Black cook with name tag label Joe holding frying pan with eggs

    Barbara Kruger:

    Jeweled crown with words “You are a very special person”
    Vertically split positive/negative woman's face with text: Your body is a battleground

    Kara Walker:

    Silhouettes of people in slightly violent poses
    Silhouettes of cooking food and people playing
    More silhouettes of people dancing; one setting fire to a tree

    Not sure who did these, but I found them intriguing:

    Stenciled word PLEASE repeated six times vertically
    Stenciled letters, irregularly spaced: WHYMUS/TIFEELL/IKETHAT/WHYMUS/TICHASE/THATCAT

    Here are some pictures from the area around the museum:

    Mounds of grass outisde museum
    Utility box with painting of child's face on abstract geometric background
    Utility box painted with face of child and background of geometric figures
    Public telephone with exposed green cables and yellow connector
    Wall of building with words Mayan Theatre painted on it

    The United Artists Theater

    The carvings on the outside of the theater are amazing.

    Fancy scrollwork on facade of United Artists theater
    Statues of two females
    Relief of man holding book surrounded by bowls of grapes
    Two men playing accordion and saxophone
    Various relief work on pillars of building
    Benjamin Franklin
    Man and woman actors
    Woman with broad-brimmed hat and earrings
    Knight with sword and laborer

    Los Angeles Arboretum

    The next day I went to the Arboretum. Along the way, I walked through a residential neighborhood with lots of peacocks wandering about:

    Two young peacock chicks
    Peacock crossing street; tail not expanded

    The Arboretum is really large, and the signage is not tremendously good; I spent about 20 minutes trapped in a loop with no exit marked. Other than that, it was quite a nice experience, especially as they had a sculpture exhibit throughout the grounds.

    Here, in no particular order or theme, are pictures from the arboretum.

    Long view of cactus garden
    Close view of barrel and brush cactus
    Metal sculpture of insect among cacti
    Small semi-spherical cacti
    Terra cotta statues of three women
    Cactus with long, almost leafy fronds
    Tall cacti (approx 3 meters)
    Green-patina column with gray sculpted leaves
    Bright stones embedded in paving
    Paving of serpent trail; patten looks like scales on a snake
    All-green flowers that look like artichoke halves
    A small stand of cactus among trees
    Large tree
    Tree trunk with very wide base
    Tree with red and pink foliage
    Yellow flower
    Stand of bamboo plants
    Tree with long leaves that appear to be gray or silver colored
    Sculpture made of what appear to be large green marbles


    This first one is from a Korean restaurant. The last two syllables at the upper left are read as “shik sa,” which amused me immensely (and would be equally amusing/shocking to anyone who speaks Yiddish). It means “meal,“ by the way.

    Sign tae joong shik sa (public meal)

    Other signs:

    Street sign for Fedora Street Fedora happens to be the name of the Linux distribution that I use.
    Graffiti “Art Wages War!!!” on back of a metro car seat Written on the back of a seat in a Metro car
    Animals at the Arboretum are “wild”. For their health and your safety, please DO NOT FEED OR APPROACH peacocks, geese, ducks, turtles, squirrels, bobcats or coyotes. Are there actually people who approach bobcats and coyotes?!

    I went to the Summer Fair at Santa Anita Racetrack; it was a total waste of money, but I did see this sign for what I presume is a true culinary delight:

    Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger (All new!)

    This was a sign in the Metro station, and my first reaction was that the tall guy on the left was Sacha Baron Cohen.

    Sign asking people to contact 811 before digging

    Abandoned Foster’s Freeze

    I saw this abandoned restaurant that had been graffiti’ed on my way home; it was near one of the places I stopped to charge my car.

    STELA graffiti'ed on a building
    PLINKS graffiti'ed on a building
    Various decals on building
    Other decals; one looks like an 8-ball, the other an old man with Wolverine-style claws
    SOOPA graffiti'ed on a building