You go to the Louvre to worship; you go to the Pompidou Centre to think. This is a modern art museum, and I enjoyed it a lot.
OK, on to the artworks.
La Tour Eiffel, Robert Delaunay, 1926
Animated Lines; František Kupka, 1920/1933
They have quite a bit of stuff by Kandinsky.
One nice touch is that, for sculptures, the placard has a drawing of the sculpture so you can see which one is which.
Ascension, Otto Freundlich, 1929/1969
Le Phoque II, Constantin Brancusi, 1943
Green Relief, Ellsworth Kelly, 2007
Compression, César, 1960. A ton of hydraulically pressed metal.
PR1, Portrait-relief d’Arman, Yves Klein, 1962
La Mariée, Niki de Saint-Phalle, 1963
La Douche (The Shower), Daniel Spoerri, 1961
Chopin’s Waterloo, Arman, 1962
Le Monstre de Soisy, Niki de Saint Phalle, ca. 1966
Où es-tu? Que fais-tu? (Where are you? What are you doing?), Bernard Rancillac, 1965
Alberto Giacometti did this one.
Spatiodynamique 26 (dite “Gigogne”), Nicolas Schöffer, 1956-1968
Table, Alberto Giacometti, 1933
This one is, well, very strange.
Roberte et les barres parallèles, Pierre Klossowski, 1990
Roue de bicyclette (Bicycle Wheel), Marcel Duchamp, 1913/1964
Composition aux deux perroquets, Fernand Léger, 1935-1939
Aménagement de l’antichambre des appartements privés du Palais de l’Élysée pour le président George Pompidou, Agam, 1972-1974
Tell Me, Guy de Cointet, 1979/1980
Giant Triple Mushroom, Carsten Höller, 2010
Most of these were taken on the Rue Quincampoix.