Paris – January 13, 2023

The Pompidou Centre

You go to the Louvre to worship; you go to the Pompidou Centre to think. This is a modern art museum, and I enjoyed it a lot.

pompidou center exterior
normal fans

I think these are ventilation fans.

googly eye fans

One pair of which has been made into art.

colorblind glasses

You can get colorblind-simulating glasses at the coat check area.

view from fifth floor

You start at the top floor, which has great views of Paris.

view from fifth floor

OK, on to the artworks.

multicolored eiffel tower

La Tour Eiffel, Robert Delaunay, 1926

animated lines

Animated Lines; František Kupka, 1920/1933


They have quite a bit of stuff by Kandinsky.

abstract flowers

One nice touch is that, for sculptures, the placard has a drawing of the sculpture so you can see which one is which.

massive blobbish sculpture

Ascension, Otto Freundlich, 1929/1969

gray marble seal

Le Phoque II, Constantin Brancusi, 1943

flat orange metal sculpture
sculpture and painting
Green tilted square on white background; other painting is white rectangle offset over black background

Green Relief, Ellsworth Kelly, 2007

two paintings with black smears
vertical slat sculpture
sculpture and painting
painting and sculpture
sculpture and painting
Rectangular sculpture made of crushed cars in foreground; Warhol’s pictures of Elizabeth Taylor in the background

Compression, César, 1960. A ton of hydraulically pressed metal.

bed and cabinet on wall
cobalt blue sculpture
cobalt blue sculpture of man

PR1, Portrait-relief d’Arman, Yves Klein, 1962

wedding dress sculpture

La Mariée, Niki de Saint-Phalle, 1963

wedding dress sculpture
Abstract with yellow flower-like object at top
Painting of landscape with river; shower head attached to painting at mouth of river

La Douche (The Shower), Daniel Spoerri, 1961

black gray womans face
disassembled piano

Chopin’s Waterloo, Arman, 1962

trash dinosaur

Le Monstre de Soisy, Niki de Saint Phalle, ca. 1966

trash dinosaur
mirror with bullet holes
cartoon dog

Où es-tu? Que fais-tu? (Where are you? What are you doing?), Bernard Rancillac, 1965

mans head with extremely long nose

Alberto Giacometti did this one.

three headed horse
Three metal sculptures comoposed of multiple rectangular shapes

Spatiodynamique 26 (dite “Gigogne”), Nicolas Schöffer, 1956-1968

abstract vertically oriented sculpture
geometric forms
woman at table

Table, Alberto Giacometti, 1933

woman side view
woman front view
Woman in flight attendant uniform tied to parallel bars; man in dress shirt and tie is licking her hand

This one is, well, very strange.

Roberte et les barres parallèles, Pierre Klossowski, 1990

bicycle wheel on four legged stool

Roue de bicyclette (Bicycle Wheel), Marcel Duchamp, 1913/1964

abstract man in pink
people at beach

Composition aux deux perroquets, Fernand Léger, 1935-1939

treelike sculpture
symmetrical sculptures of tree branches
four tvs
yellow circle
room with multiple colored glass panels

Aménagement de l’antichambre des appartements privés du Palais de l’Élysée pour le président George Pompidou, Agam, 1972-1974


Tell Me, Guy de Cointet, 1979/1980

four people
spheres on red and white background
giant triple mushroom

Giant Triple Mushroom, Carsten Höller, 2010

pile of rocks
lamplike object
seated women with stone for head
seated standing angular sculptures in green

Street Art around Pompidou Centre

Most of these were taken on the Rue Quincampoix.

word art sprayed on wall
squidlike cartoonish figure
landscape on rollup steel door
wall squid and two skulls
wall guitar
wall cartoons
cartoon 007
front half of bicycle
abstract wall painting
heart tapez ici

This one is my absolute favorite. (Words mean “tap here“)

delicate floral pattern
dog musketeer mosaic
man with beard

Signage / Stickers

happy hours

The French for “happy hours” works out very well.

i am sentient
persona grata storefront

What a great name for a store.

bike riders counter

A counter of how many bicycles have gone by so far this year and today.

flowers atop restaurant

Flowers on the awning is not an uncommon thing to see.

mosaic man with green face smoking cigarette
rabbit hand in door

This is on nearly every door in the Metro.