It’s always useful to be able to count in a foreign language. These pages will give you a brief introduction to counting in Russian. Here are the numbers from one to ten:
оди́н | one |
два | two |
три | three |
четы́ре | four |
пя́ть | five |
шесть | six |
семь | seven |
во́семь | eight |
де́вять | nine |
де́сять | ten |
Disclaimer: numbers in Russian sometimes change depending upon their use in the sentence (subject, object, object of a preposition, etc.) Some of the numbers also change form depending on the kind of noun they are describing (masculine, feminine, or neuter). I am deliberately omitting this very lengthy and detailed grammatical explanation. This means that, if you use the numbers as shown here, you will sometimes be grammatically incorrect, but you will be understood.
← End of Alphabet Section | ↑ Index | Numbers 11-19 → |