
PureScript on Raspberry Pi

I was able to build PureScript to run on a Raspberry Pi 3B. Here is how I was able to install the result of the build on a fresh install of Raspbian Stretch:

  1. Install npm
  2. Create directory $HOME/.local/bin if you don’t already have one.
  3. Edit $HOME/.profile to add these lines at line 18:
      if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then
  4. Log out and back in again to get the path set properly.
  5. Download this tarball and un-tar it; it will create a file named purs.
  6. Copy the purs file to $HOME/.local/bin
  7. sudo npm install -g pulp bower

After these steps, I was able to:

You can contact me by email, but this is more of a proof-of-concept at the moment than a full-time project, so I may not be able to assist you with fixing bugs.