Graz–Mar. 10, 2025

Apartment Hunting: Janzgasse

Here’s the area where I am considering one apartment:

houses on hill
park near apartment
MF Barbershop

No idea what “MF” stands for, since it’s for men only, it appears.

Haircules / Den Herrenfriseur in Graz

Clever name for a barber shop.

wall mural african woman
martin auer bakery

This bakery 🇦🇹 is about 1.5 blocks from the apartment.

billa plus

As is this supermarket.

sorger brot

And another bakery. The name of this place is Sorger 🇦🇹, but the typography makes it hard to figure out.

ATM Heist

A few days ago, some thieves blew up the ATM in front of the Bawag bank near the Billa Plus supermarket. This happened at 3 a.m. Here’s what it looks like right now. (The bank branch is closed, as you might have guessed.)

boarded up window
damaged equipment


A couple of blocks from where the apartment is, I saw these flags in a window:


Someone else saw them and posted it to Reddit. Most of the discussion is in German. The upshot is that the Austrian flag on the left is one that should only be on government buildings, and there’s a €3600 fine for misusing it. That was what people seemed to comment on the most.

Miscellanea / Signage

artistic iron door
Manche Ziele kannst du nicht mit dem Zug erreichen.

Sign for a fitness center at the train station: You can’t reach some goals on a train.

Selbstvertrauen ist wie ein Muskel. Es wächst durch Training.

Also: Self-confidence is like a muscle. It grows with training.

Ruachfreie Zone / Hier rauchen nur die Köpfe der Studierenden

(Sign at community college): Smoke free zone / The only thing smoking here is students’ heads.

Man holding up a sign: Netflix Disney + Sky Amazon Prime: ~ 420€ / Jahr
Statdbibliothek Graz Mediathek Filmfriend: 15 € / Jahr

Netflix, Disney+, Sky Amazon Prime: ~ 420 € per year
Graz Public Library Mediathek Filmfriend: 15 € per year

martial arts mother teresa

Karate ninja Mother Teresa

jeder regen beginnet mit ein paar tropfen...

every rain begins with a couple of drops...