Graz–Feb. 25, 2025

From the main plaza, I went up a street called Sporgasse to the Karmeliterplatz, where the Carmelite cloister used to be.

View up a cobblestone street
View down a cobblestone street
arched doorway with wooden doors
narrow staircase with lamp at left

A side street

back of statue
base of statue in karmeliterplatz
front of statue
winged green cow on balcony
building with sky blue painting on roof

After leaving the Karmeliterplatz, I went past the Schauspielhaus (Theater).

stone carving guido peters
carvings on schauspielhaus
emperor fransiskus 1

Emperor Fransiskus I. I think he was the last Holy Roman Emperor.


Weird place to do a word break...

I then ended up at the Dom (main cathedral).

Relief carving of angel with Jesus
statues god and jesus
statues of king and queen
dom cathedral
dom cathedral
eagle on church spire
statuary on top of dom
alleyway with stone wall


objets d art on wall

In an art gallery near the Dom.

Three lamp posts, old-fashioned, fluorescent, and LED, attached to a wall.

Interesting art installation of three lamp posts attached to a wall.

Laut einer studie ist die Lebenserwartung bei Männern höher, wenn sie viele Orgasmen haben. / Laufhaus-Bar

According to a study, life expectancy is higher for men who have many orgasms. / Laufhaus Bar