Graz–Feb. 16, 2025

Took a walk around the area while I was waiting for the washer to finish at the laundromat. (The one near where I lived - they finally re-opened!) The pictures you see here are ones I find interesting. The area as a whole is sort of grungy, but it has character.

colored squares on building wall
Portrait of Roman statesman Cicero: „Heimat ist wo man sich wohlfühlt“

Home is where you feel comfortable.

more colored squares on building wall
Painting of Gandhi with text „Der Schwache kann nicht verzeihen. Zerzeihen ist eine Eigenschaft des Starken.“

Weak people can not forgive. Forgiveness is a characteristic of strong people.

Painting of Nikola Tesla: „Mich beunruhigt nicht, dass sie meine Ideen stehlen. Mich beunruhigt dass sie keine eigenen haben.“  Tesla studied in Graz 1875-1877.

It doesn’t worry me that people steal my ideas. It worries me that they don’t have any of their own.

wall with artwork
Broetchen Paradies

Bread roll paradise

Hedgehog saying, „Mama, ein Brötchen 1-Euro“

Mama, one roll for one Euro.

Left half: a man with spray paint “Write for your right” and  „Tot’s nicht lügen und betrügen / Politik duldet keine konkurrenz“  On right, man and woman characters from Avatar movie

[?] isn’t lying and cheating / Politics doesn’t tolerate competition

Graffiti of open hand, painted with pink spray paint
Wall painting of a green dog holding a marijuana cigarette in its mouth as if it were a stick.
Traffic barrier posts with multi-colored stripes
Cartoon character using a wrench to adjust gears