Graz–Jan. 31, 2025

Today I headed out to the Mariatrost area in the northeast section of Graz. There’s a cathedral there.

Part of old stone wall with plaque

The Courtin wall was part of the imperial and royal fortifications. In 1820 Anton and Anna Steinhofer issued a power of attorney to the administration to oblige them to keep the wall in good condition at their own expense.

church spires
red funicular car

On display at the Graz Tramway Museum

mariatrost cathedral
niche with sculpture of madonna and child
banner atme mariatrost

These banners are near the cathedral. „atme“ means “breathe”.

staune banner

„staune“ means “marvel”.

Crucifix in foreground, cathedral in background.
niche with statue of madonna
cemetery near mariatrost
mariatrost from side
view from Mariatrost
Mariatrost clock tower

And some pictures on the walk back to the apartment. I passed by one of those “little libraries” where people can leave or take books. I saw a book about German sign language, and almost took it with me, but I didn’t have any book to give them in return, so I left it there.

manhole cover with heraldic lion

Most of the manhole covers are very plain; this one isn’t.

jungle gym

A children’s play set in a back yard

wooden fence at roadside
half hexagonal garage

Some interesting architecture

apartment building in shades of brown
apartment building with colorful balconies
apartment building with green and red striped exterior
Plate that looks like the number 3 with two wavy lines at the top

I have no idea what this symbol is, or even if it is right side up in the photo.

colorful painting of flowers
light yellow mansion

And, near all the apartment buildings, this mansion.

ducks in lake

I passed a park on the way back.

ducks standing on slightly frozen lake

The ice was partially frozen on the lake surface.

garden sculpture of sitting cat looking upwards

At a garden supply store.

old style roof with text Hilmteich
View down curving street, lamps on buildings.

The Money Incident

I went to a bakery store to get a spinach burek, which costs 2€. I only had a 20€ note. When I gave it to the cashier (a young woman), she looked at it with a totally puzzled expression on her face, and asked me if this was a real euro note. Apparently the design changed sometime after 2002 (the date on the bill). I took out another 20€ note dated 2015 and that was good. Here are pictures of the bills, and you can see that the design is distinctly different. The newer bill is at the top of the picture. In any event, I’ll take the older bill to the bank on Monday and see if they can exchange it for a more modern one.

Newer 20 € note at top of picture, older 20 €  note at bottom.
Reverse side of new 20€ note at top, older 20€ note at bottom


Black lives matter / Sturm Graz Doesn‘t

Sturm Graz is a local soccer team.

Gute Rast wünscht Tischlerei Plank

Plank Carpentry wishes you a good rest (sign on a park bench)

carpentry guild sign

I’m guessing this is an old carpentry guild sign.

Achtung: Kein Rad-Dauerparken !

No long-term bike parking!

Kochen bringt dich zum Kochen? Iss was Gscheit’s!

(Ad for a frozen food company) Boiling brings you to your boiling point? Eat what’s clever!

310.000 Passagiere befördern wir täglich durch Graz.

We transport 310,000 passengers around Graz daily.

Side of a postal service truck; leaves on a tree, one of them an electric plug. Es steckt viel Grün im Gelb

On the side of an all-electric postal service truck: There’s a lot of green in the yellow. (Yellow is the main color of the postal service.)