New York City–June 4, 2022

The day started off great; I saw a bodega cat, and it even let me pet it!

Tuxedo cat (black back, white chest) sitting upright outside store
Tuxedo cat inside door of bodega

My first stop was to go to Jerrell’s Betr Brgr for lunch; it was very good. Here are some of the things I saw along the way.

Wall painting of boy in T-shirt with text “Don’t Deport My Dad”
Mosaic of subway station showing platform and tracks
Writing on sidewalk: Don’t go back to your ex, it’s a trap. @Persianpoet
multicolor abstract background mosaic with words “Ṭhe Door” in foreground.
Stenciled PROTECT YO HEART, with ART in gold color, and an  upside down gold colored heart beneath the words

Then I wandered around the area after lunch, heading to City Hall. Today’s theme seemed to be stickers and wall art.

Skyscraper with floors at right angles to one another.

This is probably one of the most over-photographed buildings in Manhattan.

Outdoor eating area with large mass of purple flowers overhanging the framework of the seating area.
Video game style figure holding a rifle; text beneath says SOHO DOWN & UNDER LTD.
Sticker with “sad clown“ Emmett Kelly; text says “CHEER UP”

This is a novel treatment for depression.

Sticker with line-drawn face with one continuous line
head of cartoon boy with wide eyes and blue baseball cap worn backwards. Text: WHO IS TWAZZO?
Widely grinning man; surrounding text in a circle: DELTA BRAVO CONEY ISLAND; inner circle text: URBAN EXPLORATION
Girl in yellow dress with umbrella pouring salt behind her. Text beneath: STAINHOUSE

Moms Demand Action was holding a gun reform rally.

Crowd of peole wearing orange shirts and hats

Onward to more of the lower Manhattan area.

Multi-story building painted with face of latino-looking man at bottom
Graffitti with skull that has three eyes
Whimsical cartoon bull holding a heart with text CHOOSE HAPPY
Yellow sticker with black text: THAT’S THE LASTOF IT! NECK FACE
Person in green victorian-style topcoat and top hat
Face with inverted christian crosses for eyes
yellow pastel drawing of woman with bare breast
Italic letters N and Y cominbed into one
Plaque on cornerstone with badly weathered relief face
ROWING BLAZERS in a gothic-stye script

These stickers seem to be everywhere.

Eventually I ended up near Chinatown.

Multi-story wall painting of man in red coat waving a red white and blue flag like a matador would
Picture of Dr. Manhattan (from “Watchmen” graphic novel) seated on a rock; text behind him reads SNACK in large yellow letters
Impressionistic graffitti of Chinese dragon
Wall painting of man with large nose and blue lips
Man with blue face, pink lips, and hair consisting of looped lines
Woman with black hair and halter top
Wall painting with multi-colored geometric shapes and white star in middle
One-eyed blue monster holding an ice cream cone
Mouth with two round buck teeth
One-eyed green smiling monster
Cartoon animal with purple face, orange rings around eyes, and tongue hanging out

Later in the evening, I walked down 5th Avenue the opposite direction from yesterday in search of dinner and found a street fair in progress. Only a couple of pictures from that, as I had my mind on dinner rather than photos. (Also, most of it was people wandering around and listening to music or talking, so that’s not very photogenic.)

Two teenagers doing a tae kwon do bout
Bus with painting of people’s hands and text: All in favor of a COVID-19 vaccine, raise your arm.
Mosaic with words connect learn explore and picture of building, raised fist, open book