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Wall Poem

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Very large wall painting of young woman. To: Vivian
Love: Andre'

If you are to be consumed by anything, it might as well be love, though it come from
the security of building walls.

Never will I look back, for I am induced, a recluse, in love.
No longer to soak, deep beneath to where there is no sea
Rather I will swim high above, after the one I have come to love
& if this this this truth can be put to verse,
I will justify it by verb
& I will reflect from the skyscrapers, so all souls may see it
I will stand on the water before I sink in it
But you'll know my love is true before I start speakin'
So come as whoever you want to be
Come as you wish
come not
or simply come
because beneath the ego of flesh
sits the one I love.