Rose, White, & Blue Parade–July 4, 2019

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This parade has a very nice, old-town, all-American feel to it. Not too big; not too small. The first twenty or so minutes of the parade was a steady stream of white people, which doesn’t look a lot like San José. Eventually there were plenty of Vietnamese, Latinx, Sikh groups, etc.

My battery died about 3/4 of the way through the parade, so these are all the pictures I got. There are a lot of antique car / VW beetle photos, but that’s only a fraction of the number that were in the parade.

Boy Scouts carrying large US flag Man wearing T-shirt depicting Abraham Lincoln in sunglasses and flag bandana Red Model T with flags Red Model T car Antique black car with bunting Antique car with “googly eyes“ on headlights Antique green car with bunting and flags Antique yellow convertble Man on bicycle rickshaw; wheels have CDs in spokes Man on motorcycle with two dogs in sidecar; one dog is wearing flag goggles German Shepherd with flag neckerchief and sunshade goggles Women in Mexican native dress (dancers) Antique white pickup truck White and red Bel Air (50s-60s vintage) Man in blue T-shirt waving from rear seat of a convertible car Woman in colorful mexican long dress Woman riding bicycle; wearing teal helmet with bunny ears on it. Man wearing bicycle with two large, gaudy umbrellas and tinsel on sides of wheels Float with gate for Rotary Playgarden Man in blue pinstripe jacket and straw hat Bagpipers and drummers in kilts Firetruck with open shark’s mouth painted on the front Volkswagen with coca-cola advert on hood and “Bitch Boulevard” license plate Hot pink Volkswagen beetle Float with jazz band Women in period dress (suffragette, Rosie the Riveter) Person in orange shirt holding iguana Banner for Living Historicals (period costume group) Man in vest and top hat Woman in 20s flapper outfit, carrying parasol Person in flag-themed outfit riding in red sports car convertible Bright orange convertible roadster Green Party banner: Stop Wars (in Star Wars font)