
Another important part of speech is the adjective, which is a word that describes a noun. The bold words in the sentences below are all adjectives.

The big city is in Greece.
The apple is sweet.
I read a good book.
The good books are on the shelf.

Look at the last two sentences. In English, you see that adjectives don’t change their form when the noun becomes plural. English adjectives don’t care whether their nouns are subjects or objects. In English, an adjective’s form never changes.

In Greek, however, adjectives must change their endings to “match” their nouns. An adjective has to match the noun that it modifies in

We will now show you the adjective καλός, meaning “good,” in all its forms. That is, we’ll show it matched with a masculine noun in all its cases (singular and plural), a feminine noun in all its cases (singular and plural), and a neuter noun in all its cases (singular and plural). But we won’t do it all on one page, since we don't want your head to explode. Let’s do them one at a time. Adjectives are placed in the dictionary by the masculine form, so, sexist though it might be, we’ll start with that one.

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